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Hi, loves!
I didn't wanna put up anything about this, but it's actually getting kind of bad...
Lately some people have been DMing me saying that my story is a "pathetic copy" of Abi_Fanzel's Adopted by Hamilton.
There are so many other adopted by Hamilton stories, and I seem to be the only person getting hate?
Yes, I read her book, and I love it. Yes, mine went up after hers, but other than the fact that both our characters get adopted by Lin (or soon in my book) there's almost no similarities.
I have nearly no readers, and the fact that I'm getting some readers because they're just hating on my writing really upsets me.
I had been planning this story in my head forever, and then when I saw Abi's I thought "Huh, someone might actually read mine since so many love hers." I in no way was trying to copy her.
Those of you who are writing to me, you know who you are, and I hope you can stop now.
And, Abi, congrats on nearly 70k reads, you deserve it. You're a fantastic writer and your story keeps everyone on their feet.
Thank you to my lovely readers, the fact that 400 people actually look at this crap makes me so happy.
I love you all (even if you hate my writing)
-Avalon G.T.

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