Thirty Four

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*Cici's P.O.V*

"Knock, knock. Cici, wake up." Lea's gentle voice said from outside my door. I turned over to glance at the clock, and groaned, before remembering what day it was.
"Good morning." I whispered, putting my slippers on as I left my room. "What's the plan? Pancakes?"
"Yes. And then, those candles we got, the three and the one, and the zero, and we're gonna do 310 on the top with the candles. And lots of whipped cream. And strawberries." Lea said, quietly taking out the pans.
I reached for the pancake mix, and we started reading off the ingredients we would need.
In half an hour we had a pile of twelve pancakes, the one on the top with nearly the entire can of whipped cream on it. We put the candles on and lit them, walking to Jon's room.
"I'll sing the melody, you do the descant, okay?" Lea said as we approached the door. We were starting with La Mañanitas, a song that Hispanic people sing on birthdays to wake up the birthday person. Then we'd sing happy birthday, and before he blew out the candles, a chant in Portuguese.
Estas son las mañanitas que cantaba el Rey David a las muchachas bonitas, se lo cantaba así: "¡Despierta, mi bien, despierta, miran que amaneció!" Ya los pajarillos cantan, la luna ya se metió!" I sang.
Jon turned over, looking up at us before grinning. He took the pancakes in his hands.
"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear dad-"
"Dear Jon-"
"Happy birthday to you!"
"Awe, you guys-"
"Wait, there's one more song." I said before we started clapping
"É pique, é pique
É pique, é pique, é pique
É hora, é hora,
É hora, é hora, é hora,
Rá tim bum!
Groffsause, Groffsause, Groffsause!"
Jon got the idea and blew out the candles as I said his name. He grinned as Lea and I kissed his forehead and got in the bed on either side of him. Lea pulled the forks out of her pocket and we all just ate.
At twelve we went for brunch with Cynthia Erivio and Oak. I had met Cynthia before, but never really got to talk with her, so I was fangirling just a little bit.
"What are you getting honey?" Jon asked, closing his menu.
"Can I get seven stacks of pancakes?" I joked
"No way. I'm not paying for seven stacks of pancakes for you." Lea laughed, closing her menu.
I settled on lemon ricotta pancakes, and a salmon eggs Benedict, and both were very good. Jon kept stealing some though.
"To the theater!" Oak grinned, lifting me on his back. He carried me all the way to the Richard Rodgers, where everyone was waiting for Jon.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" We all screamed.
"Ow, my ear." Oak whined. I slapped him playfully in the head, and he put me down.
"Amorcita, come film the Digital Ham4Ham with the Groffweek surprise." Lin said, pulling me and Jon to his dressing room.
"Aha!" Jon laughed once we got in. The walls were decorated with John Cena and a bunch of other wrestlers. I laughed as Jon pretended to hug the wall.
"Okay, go!" I whispered.
I filmed the video, laughing quietly as they spoke to each other.
"Good luck with the lotto." Lin smiled, and then out of nowhere, Jon swooped over to kiss him.
I almost dropped the camera. We sat on the floor, laughing uncontrollably until Lea came in, laughing at us. We were in a pile on the ground, just giggling into each other.
It was a great birthday, and it wasn't even mine.

{A/N: The video is in the media center just in case you haven't seen it. Second, the birthday chant in Portuguese, é pique means it's the peak, é hora means it's time, ra tim bum are the sounds of a drum, and Groffsause. You chant before they blow out the candles to raise the excitement of the atmosphere. Love you all! xxAv}

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