Twenty Four

337 15 3

{March 8th}
*Ceci's P.O.V*

"Okay, Jazzy and Anthony just called and they said that they're stuck in the worst traffic ever, and they won't be here until intermission, which means we need a Laurens and Peggy stand in, who's the double-"
I jumped out of my chair and fell to the ground.
"¿Que te pasa? ¡Animal!" Lin said, rushing over to pick me up off the ground.
"¿Lo puedo hacer? ¡Se todas las partes para Peggy, los palabras, el baile, sus cosas atrás! Please!" I cried, begging in front of Lin.
"You know all of it?" Lin asked. I nodded. "Everything. Even the stuff she does in the background?"
I nodded again.
"Jazzy taught me it all that one day that we got locked in the theater with the ensemble and everyone." I said. "And, Andy taught it to me once, too. I know it."
Lin looked at me for a long time before nodding again. "Don't let me down, you hear me?"
I screamed excitedly, hugging Lin.
"What's happening?" Pippa asked. "I don't speak Spanish."
"Ceci's going to be Peggy until Jazzy gets here." Lin said. He turned to me. "Go get the dress on, then get hair and makeup and Andy and Tommy will meet you upstairs to walk you through the show."
I laughed and ran, skidding into Jazzy's room. We were both pretty much the same size, and the costume ladies just pinned the inside of the dress a bit.
Hair and makeup laughed when I showed up, and the hairspray cans and blush brushed came right out.
"Cici!" Tommy, the director said happily when I came up.
"Don't you look adorable." Andy, our choreographer grinned. "Let's walk through, and then actually move."
We started with the opening since Peggy was barely in it, but still a little. I was very happy to stand on the second level.
Everyone came up to help me run The Schuyler Sisters, and when we finished, Lin was smiling wider than I ever saw.
"Okay, A Winter's Ball, Helpless and Satisfied, Stay Alive, then a bit of movement in the act one finale, and then we're done. Thirty minutes to open house, we finished.
"You good with it all?"
I nodded. "Yep."
When I arrived downstairs, everyone was waiting, assuring me that I would be amazing. I couldn't stop smiling, but obviously, I was terrified.
I went with the men of the ensemble, as Jazzy usually stuck with them, and their energy was enough to get me up anywhere.
"Come here." Andrew said, pulling me into a hug. "You're going to be as fantastic as Jazz always is, you know it."
"Someone's here for you, Cici." Jon Rua said, opening the door to the men's ensemble room. Gabe grinned, flowers in his hands.
I giggled and ran to him, and he caught me and spun me, me shrieking happily.
"How did you know?" I asked, pulling the flowers to my face.
"Your dad called me." Gabe said.
"Jon? That's so nice, I have to go say thank you-"
"No. Your papa." Gabe said again. "Vanessa and I are in standing room, so we can watch, but it was too soon to get actual seats."
"Lin? Lin called you?" I asked. Gabe nodded. "But he hates you."
Gabe, and all the men laughed.
"Thanks, amor." He said sarcastically. "I've got to go up, but you know how fantastic you're going to be, right?"
I nodded, burying my head in his chest. Gabe rubbed my back. "Don't be scared, Ce. You're the most amazing, beautiful person I know. You can rock Peggy."
Ten minutes before the performance the casting announcement came on. "John Laurens will be played by Andrew Chapelle, Charles Lee will be played by Jon Rua and Peggy Schuyler will be played by Cecilia Louisa Rodriguez."
A few moments later the backstage manager opened her mike up.
"This is places for the opening!" Today's backstage manager said.
"Toy, toy, toy." We said, doing the fake spitting foe good luck. Everyone hugged me on their way up.
"I'll be watching from down here." Jon said, pointing at the TV that played the show. I grinned.
Before any time had passed, the backstage manager was calling places.
"Ms. Soo, Ms. Goldberry, Mr. Odom, Ensemble and Ms. Rodriguez to the stage. Ms. Soo, Ms. Goldberry, Mr. Odom, Ensemble and Ms. Rodriguez to the stage."
Renée and Pippa squeezed my hand, all of us walking up.
Leslie got up on stage, the lights turning on as he started to sing the song I loved so much.
"There's nothing rich folks love more than going downtown and slummin' it with the poor. They pull up in their carriages and gawk at the students in the common just to watch them talk. Take Philip Schuyler: the man is loaded. Uh-oh, but little does he know that his daughters, Peggy, Angelica, Eliza sneak into the city just to watch all the guys at—
Work, work!"
"Angelica!" Renée sang, coming on stage. Her smile was so bright, but it always was. It made any day better.
"Eliza!" Pippa continued, standing next to Renée. Her face was so happy, Pippa was the perfect Eliza.
"And Peggy!" I sang, interrupting Pippa and Renée. Eliza and Angelica looked at their younger sister, smiling at her childish antics.
"The Schuyler Sisters!"
"Daddy said to be home by sundown." I sang, tugging at Renee's sleeve, who sang back. I turned to Eliza.
"Daddy said not to go downtown." I sang, this time grabbing Pippa's hand.
By the time the song was over I was almost out of breath, but not yet. I was overjoyed for "Imma tell him to include women in the sequel!"
I was in tears when I stepped off stage. Lin grabbed me, pulling me into a quick hug and kissing my forehead. My mike was still live, so he whispered in my ear "You were beautiful, mi amorcita."
Jon hugged me and screamed and overreacted as he hugged me, kissing my forehead. "You were amazing, my baby!" He screeched.
"Mister Groff to the stage!" Backstage said.
He ran up, and Renée, Pippa and I took many pictures, laughing hard before we were called back up for Helpless.
When Jazzy and Anthony arrived during Yorktown, everyone attacked them.
"This kid was amazing!"
"She took over for you!"
"Can you believe this shit?"
Jazzy looked at me, in her costume and shrieked. "YOURE ME! I LOVE YOU!" She hugged me.
"Jazz, go put on the spare Peggy dress, we have to take pictures of you two." The photographer said. He always stayed backstage, waiting for moments like these.
As Jazz went and got ready to get into Maria, I changed back into my regular clothes, not bothering to change my hair or (heavy) makeup.
I posted one of the pictures Jazz and I took on Instagram, both of us with the "Work!" arms, back to back, smiling brightly. I wrote "This was so much fun, I'll be Peggy anytime, and we can twin anytime."
I grinned, sitting back against Jon.
"Hello, daughter." He grinned.
"Hello, dad." I said back, grinning as I thought of Peggy.

{A/N: Translations:
*What's wrong? Animal!
*Can I do it? I know all of Peggy's parts, the words, the dance, the things she does in the back.

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