Twenty Eight

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*Cici's P.O.V*

It was as beautiful as I had always imagined. I pulled out my phone to take a picture, but then a text flashed across the screen.
1:47- Gabe😍: Did you arrive? How was the trip? Call me?
1:49- Cici: Yep. I'll FaceTime give me a minute.
I opened the app and clicked his name, my face on the screen.
His face suddenly replaced mine, his neighborhood moving behind him.
"Hey, love. Where are you?" I asked.
"I could ask you the same thing." Gabe responded. "I'm on my way home. Singing In the Heights now because it's all stuck in my head."
"Who's singing In the Heights?" Lin asked, popping his head over my chair. "Look, it's your delinquent. Hello, delinquent. Wait!'
"Ouch!" I yelled. Lin had just shouted in my ear.
"That's Washington Heights! I used to live, like, right there!" Lin said excitedly, pointing to the buildings behind Gabe.
"I know. I live in that apartment there." Gabe said as the camera view switched around and we saw his apartment.
"Who lives where?" Jon asked, looking over at my screen. "Oh, hey Gabe!"
"Hi, Jon. How's the trip going?" Gabe asked, but the phone was suddenly taken out of my hand.
"Hey, that's mine!" I laughed as Jazzy and Anthony started making faces to him. They held my phone away from my reaching hands, laughing really hard.
"Is that your boyfriend?" Daveed asked, taking the phone from Jazzy.
It wasn't long before the phone passed everyone's hands, everyone giving advice, warnings and just asking Gabe questions.
"Okay, guys, I love talking to you all, but Señor Miranda is giving me the stink eye from D.C., and you guys are about to meet the president. And I have tons of homework to do." Gabe said.
I groaned.
"Te amo." Gabe said, kissing his camera.
"Te amo tambein." I laughed, kissing my camera and hanging up.
Lin looked at me with wide eyes. His mouth was partially open,band his hands seemed to be flying everywhere at once. He was stuttering. "¿Que?"
"What?" You asked him.
"You said I love you! He said I love you! You guys say i love you too each other? I thought that was a big milestone in relationships, is it not anymore?" Lin said quickly.
"No, it still is. We've just been saying it to each other for a while. I love him, papi." I said, giving a little shrug.
"We're cute too." I responded, laughing.
"Okay, this is your sightseeing stop! I will meet you all back here at seven sharp, otherwise I'm not taking you to dinner and a movie and to the hotel, got it?" Dave asked.
Everyone nodded.
When I turned to Lin and Jon my smile dropped a little. They were whispering and frowning over a piece of paper.
"Y'all good?" I asked them. The paper quickly got stashed into a pocket.
"Yep. Just looking at some papers for your adoption. Terms and conditions." Lin joked, smiling, but there was something sad in Jon and his eyes.
We all stepped of the bus, taking pictures of everything around us. There were clearly people around us who loved Hamilton, because so many people were trying to secretly take selfies. (We totally dabbed in all of them.)
"Come on, there's a million things we haven't done in the greatest city in the world, let's go have some fun!" Lin shouted.
Everyone groaned, but still grinning as we started walking. It was gonna be a good afternoon.

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