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*Cici's P.O.V*

As soon as I started helping around, my phone rang.
"Hey." I answered, recognizing Gabe's cell number.
"Hey yourself. Where are you?" He asked.
"Crap, it's Monday." I muttered.
"Wait! No, no! You can't put that there, we need all the stage space. Stop!" I yelled as a man tried to put some cameras down. "How many seats do you need for the cameras?"
"Ceci!" Gabe exclaimed, pulling my attention back to him.
"Sorry. I'm getting my iPad now, I'll log on, but I don't know how much attention I'm going to pay. I'm really busy." I explained, pointing at a door as a cameraman asked about where to put a camera cord. "There's an outlet over there." I whispered.
"What?" Gabe asked again.
I walked down to the stage door where people were sliding in.
"Out. Out all of you, now. You cannot come in here, we're prepping, and I have a police here who will kick you out. Go away." I said to a group of thirteen year olds, opening the door for them.
Lin came upstairs, looking a lot better.
"Woah. This place was chaos when I went to sleep. You should be our manager." Lin joked, pulling me into a hug. "I just realized you have to go to class, go."
I ran back to Lin's dressing room, turning on my laptop and iPad.
"Miss Rodriguez, you showed up!"
I recognized Mrs. Curtis' voice. She taught American History, and she was my favorite teacher. She had just turned seventy, but had the biggest passion for history.
"Hello, Mrs. Curtis. Hi, everyone." I laughed.
"Hello!" Everyone chorused back.
"You're lucky were in History right now, any other teacher would kill you for being so late." Anaba laughed. "We have study after-"
"Miss Khan, focus!" Mrs. Curtis said, continuing with the American money crisis.
"Alright, Cecilia, you're Jefferson, Aaron, you're Hamilton. Aaron, have you just come up with a fantastic way to manage the war debt?" Mrs. Curtis asked, launching into her history role play.
"From the way you're asking me, yes." Aaron responded.
Mrs. Curtis raised an eyebrow.
"Yes, yes I have." Aaron laughed.
"Okay, and Cecilia, what do you think about this?"
"It's terrible. Hamilton's plan will lead to what I fear, a too strong central government. We'll end up a monarchy again." I said, pretending to be Thomas Jefferson.
"Exactly, and that's what leads us to our next unit." Mrs. Curtis said, her lesson plan coming up on my laptop. We took notes in the first few slides, but then everyone's computer buzzed and a notification ran across.
"Okay, and that's class!"
"Study!" Calayo giggled as Mrs. Curtis left the chat-classroom.
"Okay, so, what's going on at the theater?" Kenny asked. Everyone was very obsessed with Hamilton, and was excited for the Grammys tonight.
"I don't know. I was helping out until someone..." I trailed, shooting a glare towards Gabe's face on my screen "...called me to come to class."
"Anyway, you guys, I was able to save seven seats in the audience, in the orchestra pit, and you're all invited to come tonight!"
Everyone (minus Gabe) screamed.
At one school ended, and I went back to helping out.
At around two Lin's voice came over the backstage loudspeaker. "Ceci, your delinquent is here. Along with other's who I don't know, but I'm assuming they're more delinquents you invited."
I laughed and ran to the stage door, pulling everyone inside. "You came!"
"Of course we came! Who's gonna miss free tickets to Hamilton?" Noah asked, pulling me into a hug.
"It's not Hamilton, it's just the first song." Gabe responded flatly.
"Someone is in a really bad mood today." I groaned sarcastically, turning to Gabe, who frowned. "What's wrong, grouchy face?"
"Are you going to introduce me or not?" Lin asked, arms crossed at the group of loud teenagers hugging and talking and just taking up space.
"Lin, this is Aaron, Calayo, Kenny, Anaba, Noah, Toshiko, and you know Gabe already." I said, pointing towards each person.
"Everyone, this is Lin. But, you know that."
Lin grinned and shook everyone's hands, smiling brightly.
"I heard that the delinquents are here!" Jon said, coming down the stairs. "Hello, delinquents!"
Noah almost fainted. I looked at him strangely for a moment before a lightbulb lit up.
"Jon, this is Noah, he wants to talk to you." I said, pushing Noah towards Jon. Jon smiled at Noah.
"Hi." Noah said, almost timid. "Um, I'm Noah- No, wait, Cici already told you that. Anyway, I was obsessed with Glee, and you inspired me to come out to my family. Thank you."
Kenny grinned and squeezed Noah's hand as Jon smiled at both of them.
We went to an empty dressing room and relaxed until Lin decided it was time to send them out to the audience for the song.
It was Grammy time.

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