Thirty Six

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*Vanessa's P.O.V*

"We have to tell her." I muttered, looking down at the newest letter.
"Mister and Mrs. Lin-Manuel Miranda, Mister Jonathan Groff,
This letter has been written to inform you that the halt on the adoption process is still on, and because a peaceful agreement has not come between your party and the party of Mrs. Daniella Fiore. You have gone over the limit if. Time allowed to discuss this, and the set date for court is April 5th. We understand that inky gives you six days to prepare, but this has been on its way for a while.
Best wishes,
Richard B. Harrington"
"We're so screwed." Jon whispered, looking up from the letter and across the room to Ceci. She was sitting in the floor next to Gabe with Sebastian on her lap. They were reading a book to him.
"Ceci? Amorcita, can we talk to you?" Lin asked, walking over.
"Yeah. Can Gabe be here or no?" She asked, lifting her head of his shoulder. "Cause I'm gonna tell him anyway, but if you want him away-"
"No, it's fine. You might need him." I said. They both lifted their eyebrows.
I handed her both letters, and her eyes darted from side to side. She gave Gabe the second one, and then they switched. Their eyes flew from one end to the other. Ceci traced the signature at the bottom with her finger.
Without saying anything, she gave both letters to Gabe, stood up and walked to her room.
"Babe?" He called after her.
"That's hit how she usually responds. There's usually screaming, or crying. Why isn't she sponging like she normally does?" I asked worriedly.
"This is how she'd respond with something like this. Sadness is the least worst thing that happens, anger is the middle level, and that, stone we call it, is just worst case scenario. She almost never reacts to anything like this." Gabe responded.
We went to follow her, but Gabe called out.
"Stop. Leave her for an hour. She'll be okay in an hour. If not, go give her a kiss." Gabe explained. "I'm gonna go. Call me if she freaks out, gets violent or something, call me. Bye Jon, bye Vanessa, bye Sebastian, bye Señor Miranda."
"I don't want mija to be upset." I groaned, burying my head in Lin's chest. He frowned and rubbed my back as we just stood in silence, Ceci's quick breaths in the background.
After a while we went to her, the three of us wrapping her in a hug.
She stated sobbing immediately, her head buried in my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around her, Lin and Jon side hugging her.
"It's gonna be okay." I whispered. "No te voy a dejar, mi hija hermosa."
We all stayed curled together, Sebastian in between all of us. He could sense that this was a moment that he needed to be calm.
"Hermana." Sebastian gurgled, reaching for Ceci after we all separated.
She picked him up and hugged him, kissing his forehead.
"I'm not gonna let this woman take you away. Okay? You're my daughter. She can't have you." I said to Ceci, squeezing her into my side. "We're gonna win this case, even if it takes months."
And for the moment, we all believed I was right.

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