Thirty Seven

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{April 5th}
*Cici's P.O.V*

"You look miserable." Jon Rua said, sitting next to me at the table. I groaned, made a face at him and turned my head the other way.
"Listen, your dads said that we had to fix you." Ari murmured, sitting on the other side. She tucked a piece of stray hair behind my ear.
"I'm not gonna be fixed until that evil-"
"Okay, I'm putting up a peace barrier. Don't affect this happy space with your negativity." Javi said, sitting across from me.
I groaned even louder and dropped my head from my hand, and buried it in my arms. "Stop trying to make me happy. She's trying to take me away from my family, and I won't let her-"
"Exactly!" Carleigh exclaimed. "Think like that. You won't let her."
"Look, there's Thayne. His bounciness will communicate to your bounciness." Andrew grinned.
"Hon, the court date is tomorrow, enjoy today." Sydney said.
The ensemble continued to chat to me, with the entire cast joining eventually. I proceeded to keep groaning and ignoring them until Thayne lifted my head up.
"Okay, I'm going to be mean for a minute, and I hate being mean, but ready?" He asked.
I rolled my eyes.
"Cecilia Louisa Rodriguez Miranda-Groff, or Groff-Miranda. If you could stop wallowing in your own self pity for ten minuets to look up and look at all these people who love you and are worried about you, you'd see that there is absolutely nothing to be worried about because you are our family and any reasonable person would see that. Okay?" Thayne yelled. We all looked at him in shock.
"Okay, I'm done being mean." Thanye said, sitting back down. "Can I introduce you to someone?"
"Yeah, sure." I said, getting up and following Thayne to the theater. There was a girl standing at the doors, looking around in ecstasy. We walked over to her, and she turned to face me.
I ran towards my old friend, shrieking as we met halfway in a hug. Giggling, we pulled apart.
"I take it I don't need to do introductions now? I'm really confused." Thayne said, looking at the two of us strangely. He waved his hands prompting an explanation.
"It's WestRose!" I giggled, keeping my arm wrapped around her shoulder. She grinned at me, looking up at Thayne happily.
"No, I know that. She's my niece. How do you know that?" Thayne asked again.
"We went to school together in Massachusetts. WestRose and Cecilia, the girls who ended up in the principal's office every other day." I laughed.
"Not every other, but every three days probably. And, bit because we'd get in trouble, just because we'd cause some trouble. The principal liked us." WestRose added.
"I don't know how I feel about that, but moving on-" Thayne said. "Why didn't either of you tell me? Why did I not fit that together?"
"Because you're stupid." WestRose said sarcastically. I laughed.
"Oh, I've missed you!" I said again, squeezing her into my side as Thayne shook his head and walked away.
"Who have you missed?" Gabe's voice said from the stage.
"LOOK WHO IT IS!" I screamed, pointing to WestRose.
"No freaking way! Miss WestRose!" Gabe laughed, walking over and giving her a hug. He was our behind the scenes partner, sneaking us out of the principal's office. The three of us were widely known as the principal's pets.
"How have you guys been?" WestRose asked, all of us walking outside, arms around each other.
"Pretty great. I'm supposed to be getting adopted, finally. We can talk about me after we talk about you, though." I said to WestRose. She laughed.
"Well, dad wanted to move back here. He said that Mills was too boring, and that he was itching for the city, so we picked up and we're living with Uncle Thayne until we get an apartment. That's basically it, tell me about 'supposed to be' getting adopted?"
"There's been a freaking halt in the process because apparently I have a living aunt who wants to have claim over me. We go to court tomorrow." I signed.
We sat down outside a cafe, talking, catching up over the past year.
"Principal's pets are together again." Gabe chuckled. WestRose and I laughed, nodding our heads excitedly.
"Like hell we are."

{a/n: Yay, I finally did it! WestRose is based on my love AlliMirandaGroff If you haven't looked at her stuff you, should. Her story Daughter of the Groff is great and it's all about me (not really but whatever). Go read it. Love you guys. Thanks for reading. xxAv}

Groff-Miranda/Miranda-GroffWhere stories live. Discover now