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As soon as everyone was downstairs, Lin opened up a microphone to talk over the speaker downstairs.
"Hello, hello, hello my friends! Fantastic job on act one, it sounded great. I can't wait to hear act two. So, listen up, this is important. There is a sixteen year old girl out there named Cecilia..."
And so, Lin launched into the story of the orphan watching the show with high hopes.
"Tonight she's coming to my house, but we should figure out some system so that she meets all of you, and then switches houses to stay at. She's very sweet."
Outside, Cici was excited to see the show.
"Hello." A voice said from next to her.
"Hi." Cici smiled, looking at the old woman next to her.
"Do you sit here?" The woman asked.
"Yes I do. I, um, I got here late and the ushers didn't want to let me in because they were afraid I would distract everyone, so I had to watch from outside." Cici lied. "But, I can watch the rest now!"
"Oh. I'm Barbra. Isn't this an amazing show?" The woman said, nodding enthusiastically. "I'm very excited for act two."
Cici nodded her agreement, but the lights dimmed before she could say anything, and the beginning of What'd I Miss started playing.
An hour and a half later the show ended, and Cici was on her feet, screaming and crying and clapping. Her dream came true.
Cici made her way to the side door outside, and knocked, ignoring the fans screaming at her that she couldn't do that.
"Oh, good. There you are." Lin muttered, opening the door and pulling Cici in. "What did you think?"
"It was fantastic. I want to thank you and Jon, and Pippa. Would you mind walking me back to the shelter? I'm nervous to go by myself."
"Ceci. You're not going back. You're staying at my house tonight, and I'm going to seek legal custody until we figure something out." Lin said.
"No." Cici muttered in disbelief. "Are you serious?"
"Yes. That good or bad?" Lin asked worriedly.
"Fantastic. I promise I won't scare anyone. Will I get to meet Vanessa?" Cici asked, following Lin to his car.
"Of course. We have a guest bedroom and guest bathroom, feel free to use both, and I feel like you might wanna crash soon...?"
"I'm exhausted." Cici admitted.
She was so tired that she feel asleep in the car, not bothered by the honks of traffic or the bright city lights.
"Ceci." Lin whispered, slowly shaking her shoulder. "We're here, wake up."
Cici looked up, seeing a woman standing in front of a house. "That's Vanessa."
"I know. I married her." Lin chuckled, getting out of the car and opening Cici's door.
"Thank you very much, sir." Cici giggled.
"Hola, Cecilia." Vanessa smiled, offering her hand to shake Cici's.
"Please, call me Ceci. Thanks so much for letting me stay here." Cici said, following Vanessa inside.
"Of course." Vanessa grinned, showing Cici to the guest room. "Enjoy."

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