Chapter 8: Beautiful No More-Part 2

Start from the beginning

Getting curious, Jones asked her if she ever talked to her about the letters she got and Alice explained that Trixie had secret admirer and she warned her to be cautious because Trixie was infatuated. Jones then asked who the admirer might've been but the barmaid frowned and told him she had no idea. But she told him she might think it was a creepy guy named Colin from the movie theater and he was totally obsessed with Trixie. Jones then asked her if she can get her boss and she nodded in agreement telling him she will.

Once Alice was gone, Jones smirked and thought she's quite the delightful girl. He then turned serious and said to himself, "I'll talk to this Colin guy once I clear the air with Marconi."

Meanwhile, Alice knocked on the office door and told Marconi on the other side that Jones wants to speak with him and he called out he'll be right there. Marconi then got up from his desk and looked over to Marie who was wrapped in a blanket on the couch and said, "Your partner sure is persistent."

Marie then crossed her eyes to the gangster and said, "He'll solve this case and save me from you. You'll see!" And he left the office after she said that.

Once Marconi approached Jones, the dogs started to growl and bark at him and Jones told them to calm down which they did. Jones then asked him, "Tony, I want to know what perfume you wear and what pets you have?"

"Perfume and pets? Is this some sort of random question day officer?" Marconi asked and Jones told him in a stern voice to just answer the question cause he doesn't want to get angry with him.

Marconi then scoffed and told him that he does wear the perfume Eau d'Homme and he does have a cat. He also added he knows how to use a lint roller too, but Jones just rolled his eyes on that snide remark. Jones then looked the gangster in the eyes and told him he'll come back later and he took the dogs and headed out to talk to Colin Stokes. After Jones was gone, Marconi went back to his office and approached Marie and he then opened the blanket she was wrapped up in showing him her naked body.

He then sat back down at his desk and said to her, "You don't have to hide yourself babe. Besides, I work a lot better when I have something beautiful to look at." And Marie just rolled her eyes and thought, David better wrap up this case soon cause I don't know how much more I take.

Meanwhile at the movie theater, Jones approached Colin the projectionist and asked him if he had some sort of obsession to Trixie like Alice said and he told the officer that he was a devoted fan and Trixie valued his presence. Jones then gave a small smile and thought, I'm sure she did; a handsome boy like him. Jones then put on a serious face and told Colin that he would like to have a look around his workplace and the boy stepped aside as Jones entered with the two police dogs.

Suddenly, they barked when they caught a whiff from any open box and Jones saw that it was filled with pictures of women and he thought, how many of these girls does he stalk? Soon, he took the box back to the station,dumped out the pictures and started rummaging through them. While he was rummaging, he took a quick peek at some of them and thought, Colin sure has good taste. Suddenly, he came across an empty vial and had it sent to the lab to get it analyzed.

After the vial was dropped off, Jones and the dogs headed back to the Blue Flamingo to check and see if there were any more important clues that he missed. After looking around, Jones found a tube of lipstick and thought that it might belong to Alice. So he decided to give it back to her and even talk to her while he was at it. Once he showed her the tube of lipstick, Alice exclaimed, "Where did you find that lipstick?! It's the same one Trixie gave me!"

"I thought you and Trixie weren't close friends Alice?" Jones said curiously.

Alice just smiled brightly and told him they weren't but she remembered telling Trixie she liked the color shade and she just gave it to her. Jones then asked what perfume she was wearing and Alice told him it's Eau d'Homme and her ex used to wear it so she grew to like the smell and people always said it fits her fine. Jones then smiled and thought it sure does. Once he exited the club and placed the dogs in the backseat, Jones' phone began ringing and when he answered it Grace told him she got the results for the blood and the empty vial.

When Jones got back to the station, he rushed over to the lab with Mac and Della at his heels, once he got there, Grace explained to him what she found out. First, she told him that the blood he found on the hammer is Trixie's which meant that Jones found the murder weapon. Jones got surprised and he began thinking, from the size of the hammer it's no wonder Trixie's face was such a mess. Jones then asked Grace, "What about the vial? What did you get from that?"

Grace then smirked at him and said, "Well David if you wanted to offer me perfume you could've bought me a bottle instead of giving me an old sample. It seems you must've been inspired cause Colin's perfume matched the brand used on Trixie's fan mail."

Next to him, the dogs began to growl and Jones made a serious face and he left the lab after thanking Grace to go and grill Colin Stokes once more. Once Jones got there, Colin angrily approached him and exclaimed, "Those photos are my personal property! You had no right to take them!"

Jones then grabbed the man by the shirt collar and pinned him against the wall and said, "I have every right to whatever's in here Mr. Stokes! I'm in an already bad enough mood cause right now my partner is being held hostage by the biggest bastard in town! And I may never see her again unless I solve this case!

"Plus, you have no right to stalk these women! Now about the perfume Eau d'Homme I don't think you can afford it with your salary!"

Colin then meekly explained that he got a free sample from the shop it came from and he knew Trixie would like it but it evaporated a long time ago. Jones then looked down at the man's best and saw that it was covered in cat hairs and he asked him if he had one and Colin broke out into a sweat and explained he takes care of the strays behind the cinema. He then told Jones that he didn't do anything to Trixie.

Jones then let him go and Colin dropped to the ground. After talking with Colin, Jones went back to the station and he sat at his desk and began thinking that at this rate Colin Stokes will confess to murdering Trixie before he even finds solid proof that he did it. And Jones gave a small smile and said to himself, "I'm almost there Marie. Just hold on."

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