Zacky started laughing, "Ew she left saliva on your cheek." 

Giving her one last kiss on the lips, I handed her to Zacky. "Right and when you have your baby, you'll see that it's not only saliva it'll leave on your cheek, but vomit. Sometimes, of course. Other times its on your shoulder and it goes down to your man-boobs and you'll be so disgusted that you'll find it absolutely cute." 

"I'm going to train my child not to vomit on me or Lindsay. And I'm going to teach it not to-" Just then, Sophia attempted to blow a raspberry but instead she spit on Zacky's face. He closed his eyes with disgust and shook his head. "You're your father's daughter. Definitely. We better get going or else Brian will think we bailed." 

"What are they doing today?" 

He hummed, swinging her bag over his shoulder, "We're gonna practice then pack up for the three day fest in the Mid-West. Soph's gonna be with River and Valary while we practice and then he's taking her with us to Guitar Center in Pasadena to stock up on strings and check out a few things. I'll bring her tomorrow... What are you doing today?" 

"Meeting with Loraine and then I'm coming home to sleep and miss my daughter." 

"That's pathetic! It's Saturday! Go out and explore the world! Call up Gena, or Marlene or force Randy to take you somewhere. This is the perfect opportunity to live a little-- No daughter to take care of. No husband to respond to. Go ape shit tonight." 

I shrugged, "We'll see."

"Alright. I'm out. Say bye mommy!"

Sophia opened and shut her hand as they made their way out. "Ma! Ma!" She babbled, clinging to Zack's flannel. 

"Bye baby. See you tomorrow!" I blew her a kiss and watched as they faded out down the pathway and into his car. Closing the door, my dad stood at the bottom of the steps with an expression that I couldn't make out. "What?" I asked, slipping into my black Stilettos.

He shook his head, releasing a sigh. "Jacqueline, you need to get out. You've been stuck here for a week doing nothing besides drawing." 

I tilted my head, "Dad it's called sketching. Plus, I've been taking care of Sophia." 

"Yes, baby, but you're not tied down right now. You need to go out and have a few drinks. Stay out til three. Come home tipsy. Anything. Don't lock yourself in here. Zachary's right."

"Yeah, but-" 

"No buts. I don't wanna see you here tonight. Go have fun. Take your brother with you." His voice faded with each step he'd take upstairs. 

No matter how right my dad was, it wasn't in me to do that anymore.  

But Instead of sitting around the house, doing absolutely nothing, I grabbed my bag and drove to Downtown Los Angeles to have the meeting with Loraine. I didn't know what she wanted to speak about. She made it sound urgent and all I could think was that my line wasn't doing so hot. However, sales spoke for themselves and I thought I was doing pretty well for starting off. 

As I waited for Loraine to call me into her office, I sat on one of the chairs beside her receptionist's desk. Her receptionist, Kayla, had a picture of a man holding a baby up to the sky in front of the sunset on a beach. I couldn't help but think of Brian and the many times he did that with Sophia. I always feared he'd drop her on the sand, but he never did. They both seemed to enjoy it very much. 

"That's a beautiful family you have there." I said, pointing at the frame.

Kayla removed her eyes from the paperwork she was working on and gave me her attention. "Oh, thank you. It was a beautiful family. My husband died a few months ago..." 

Let The Sky Fall (Synyster Gates Series: Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now