Chapter 5: A Russian Case-Part 1

Start from the beginning

"I guess I decided to get a head start before you got there," Marie said sheepishly not wanting Jones to know that Marconi kidnapped her a couple weeks ago and now she's being forced to live with him.

Jones looked at her worried and he thought, she never leaves early and she was late almost three times this month. I better talk to chief about this. Once they got to the station, Marie went to her desk and started to work on the files she was assigned to. As the morning went on, everyone in the station looked at Marie curiously, but she ignored their glances and kept on working. Once the afternoon rolled in, Chief King called Jones and Marie to his office for their next case.

Once they got to the chief's office, he began explaining to them, "I'm glad you two are here. It seems that Anton "White Bear" Levin, the head of the Russian mafia, was found dead in his restaurant. You are the best shot we have. Otherwise there will be a lot of bloodthirsty Russians on the loose. You must do this quickly, but carefully."

Jones then put his game face on and said, "I see, no pressure chief. Marie and I are on it."

"We'll stop by Anton's restaurant and start looking for clues before Levin's henchmen destroy the crime scene," Marie said and they started out the door when the chief stopped them.

He looked down at Marie's feet and then up to her and asked, "By the way detective, are you sure you want to go out in public wearing those shoes?"

Marie got confused to what the chief was talking about until she looked down at her feet and saw she wasn't wearing her own shoes, but a pair of high heels that looked like a stripper would wear. She got red with embarrassment and thought, I must've grabbed one of Marconi's heels while I was in a hurry this morning. Jones then looked at Marie and smiled at her saying, "It's okay, I have an extra pair that might fit you. You can put them on the way to the crime scene." And Marie breathed a sigh of relief and thanked Jones.

Soon, the two of them were on their way to the Russian restaurant while Marie was putting on the shoes she borrowed from Jones. As they were driving, Jones looked over at Marie and said to her, "I found it kind of surprising that you were running to work in heels. Plus, everyone in the office was staring at you wondering why you were wearing them. I'm mostly curious and I want to know where you got them."

Marie finished tying the laces on her shoes, thought of a lie and she said to her partner, "I borrowed them from Grace. She saw how much I admired them and I asked if I can borrow them."

"Marie, think rationally. Do you think Grace would be caught walking around Grimsborough in a pair of sparkly stripper heels?" Jones asked sarcastically and Marie sighed in defeat thinking no she wouldn't.

Jones smiled at Marie and patted her leg telling her it was okay and she just made a mistake. Soon, they arrived at the restaurant where their next victim is waiting. Once they got inside, they saw their victim leaning against the wall with a strange marking on his head. Jones then made a disgusted sneer and thought, this guy has been reduced to a pulp.

Marie began looking around and she saw that the cash register has been emptied out and she began thinking, it must've been a murder-robbery. The killer killed Anton first and then emptied the cash register. She then looked to the floor and saw a smartphone with a smashed screen and she showed in to Jones. Soon, the Russian leader's body was put in a bag and rolled out and Marie and Jones headed back to the station.

Once they got back, Marie saw that even though the phone was broken, it still worked, but it was locked. She then plugged it into her computer and saw detecting the code to unlock it. Soon, the code was found and they sent the phone to Alex so he can salvage it. Once the phone was dropped off, Jones said to Marie, "I heard Levin had a son named Mikhail."

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