"Lets go make some chaos"

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"Okay so I'll get Neels and Alissa , Jake you get the twins, and Cameron you get AJ and Logan" you said in the huddle. "Okay boys lets go make some chaos" you smiled before putting your mask on. Sneaking into the house you went into Neels room before putting. On the purge broadcast system and playing it loudly. You ran outside of his door and stood there.

"What the, shit" you heard him say before you there was some shuffling. "AGH" at that moment you threw a flour ballon that hit his face and exploded all over him. You hit him with your plastic bat and you ran away to meet Jake and Cameron who were out in the balcony.

You saw the twins running after to you guys with paint all over their hair and face and they weren't happy at all. "Are you kidding me?" You climbed onto the railing before facing them and falling back. You fell into the pool and you swam up. You wiped the water from your face until you realized something went wrong by the guys faces.

"Guys? What happen?" You asked before you felt some kind of warm liquid do down your own face. You touched it and it was blood. Releasing a blood curdling scream you suddenly passed out

A Day In The MakingTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon