Normal? Mundane? Average? Regular? I've spent too long pondering these words...

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I question its existence. The probability of their being something normal is on par with the existence of unicorns and little elf men.

In my opinion it does not exist. It’s only an idea. An optimistic theory maybe? A theory that there is a type of person or thing that is simply average in every single way and fits society's vision perfectly. Nothing more than nothing.

The word normal is flung so often unconsciously in conversation that it seems the world has neglected it of its enormity and true meaning. It was almost used as much as the word 'I'. Such a self-centred civilisation we are.

Another word with a similar meaning:


So many of us are called as such. The horrifying prospect of being normal and mundane. The thought is sickening. The girl had learnt to block out the word. Also disgusted at the thought of being average, normal.

Average grades. Average looks. Average everything.

A definition you won’t find in the dictionary:

Normal- The non-existent view of a perfect society placing labels onto people and objects without thinking about the consequences.

Average- Being washed slowly away into a bottomless ocean of imaginary normality where you would slowly sink for eternity. There is no way to recover.

As sure as I am that you don't want to listen to further rambling, I bid you goodbye and good luck for you in Her world. Please don't be afraid, but it is only human to feel as such. Learning the every secret of another's mind is quite frightening. Even for an nothing like me. 

The tears that had frozen to my face were finally beginning to slowly descend down my cheeks. Leaving my swollen eyes to drip fresh tears on the drawing that stared up at me between my arms.

It was its fault.

It had given me the confidence to be stupid.

I was so black and white with my confidence. Too defeated or over confident. When I did stupid things I knew that I was over-confident.

Over-confidence leads to laziness and the strength to place barriers over my eyes to block out the real world. To feel happiness. But most importantly I don't feel like I'm not a loner with no friends.

Normal people get by placing barrier over barrier to hide the grotesque, hideous world and the even more disgusting people that live in it. Those people are the popular ones. Deluded.

I thought Sam wasn't like that. But he is.

After you place the first barrier it’s hard to break.

After the second there is no going back.

He was in the position where no one could save him.


Later she was met for dinner to a pair of angry adults. Who, believing they had the power to, took away her privileges and scorned her for leaving school earlier than the final bell.

They expected more, thinking they deserved more. But they didn't.

They were quite monotonous people. Never changing. Always brown hair, sweaters, not too fat not too skinny, Stern face, aging face, boring conversations about politics and miscellaneous things that had no meaning to them or others.

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