Kurapika smiled, patting his head. Luca didn't finish all the milk in the bottle because of the small piece of muffin he had before. "He's good, and adorable."

"Anything abnormal happen? Any concerns?" Chidzu asked.

Kurapika shook his head. "No, everything is good." He responded.

"Good." Chidzu said lowly.

A few minutes later they arrived at the court, the three of them walking inside and Goro already there. Kurapika held Luca, glaring at Goro. 'Maybe Luca shouldn't be here...my eyes are going to go scarlet...' he thought to himself.

Leorio took Luca from Kurapika, knowing he was going to get loud and angry. Chidzu sat down in a chair, sighing loudly. "Let's get this done quick, Leorio and I must work."

The judge took a good luck at the female, raising an eyebrow. "Aren't you Dr. Chidzu? One of the best female doctors in the world?"

"That's me. I thought I retired, but after seeing Leorio's hospitals, I decided to work with him." Chidzu responded.

"Dr. Chidzu? Damn...now I might even get the death penalty..." Goro mumbled to himself.

"Order in the court! All parties please raise your right hands." The judge started. After they promised not to lie again, they previewed over the situation. "The plaintiffs, Leorio, Kurapika, and Chidzu is sueing Goro for...." his eyes widened. "Giving their child Hepatitis A?"

Leorio nodded. "Yes sir. Chidzu will be the one explaining since she has the eyes of a fortune teller..."

Chidzu nodded. "Since you know who I am, you will believe me. I have the eyes. I can tell what future sicknesses you, judge and you, Goro will get."

"Just explain the story." The judge said.

"From what my eyes saw, Leorio and Kurapika were on a boat to Whale Island, and Luca started to cry. Goro hid his presence and must've worn a disguise, 'considerately' giving milk to Kurapika to feed the baby. The milk was most likely bad, but Luca did not get a sickness until later that night when they were home. Hepatitis A is a liver infection from food or water, although it was milk. Then an idea comes to mind. Making a sickness out of nen, and passing it down to someone"

Kurapika's eyes widened. "That isn't possible. A sickness out of nen? Unless the person had the illness once before and passed it down somehow. I'm not really sure how that is true..."

"It sounds cool...but cruel at the same time.." Leorio said with a sigh, crossing his arms. "Either way, this bastard got our little boy sick."

"Why the hell would someone from the government try to harm an innocent child?!" The judge yelled at Goro. "Your brother was a rival to Kurapika, not an innocent baby!"

"The Kurta Clan cannot continue. That child would end up like Kurapika, killing anyone in this city. " Goro mumbled.

Kurapika glared over at Goro, his grayish blue eyes turning scarlet. "I'M GONNA KILL YOU!!" He yelled, his chains on his arm appearing.

"K-Kurapika!" Leorio looked over at his husband, placing his hands over Luca's eyes. "Calm down...you can't kill another governmental person! You'll go to jail!"

"I don't care! I want him dead! He got Luca sick, why shouldn't I kill him?!" Kurapika kept yelling until he heard stuttering.

"Pi...ka...." Luca started to say the last part of his father's name. He peaked in between his father's finger, getting a glance of the scarlet eyes. "Pi...ka..." he repeated, trying to get it all out together. "Pika!"

Kurapika's eyes widened as he heard the first word of his son, Pika. A tear ran down his face. "Luca..." he whispered.

Leorio looked over at Goro. "How about we play a game, Goro? Called punch the man out of his stance?" The doctor said, glaring at him, then giving Luca to Kurapika.

"Order in the court!" The judge yelled. "This is a court house, not a battle arena! Goro is sentenced to 10 years of prison. That is my decision!" He said before leaving the court house.

Kurapika sat down in a chair, holding Luca close to his body and slowly putting his head onto his son's.

"It's time I be the man here..." Leorio said, a portal opening in front of Goro, his fist coming out and punching Goro in the chin, breaking it and causing him to get knocked out.

Luca giggled and clapped, enjoying his father beating on Goro. Kurapika closed his eyes, tears rushing down his hot face. Once again Kurapika had a fever. Leorio walked over to his husband, letting out a sigh. "Are you feeling better? I knocked him out for you."

Kurapika looked down, nodding slowly. "Yeah...thanks..."

"Kurapika, what's wrong?" Leorio placed his hand onto his forehead. "You're burning up!" He said, pulling him up from the chair. "We need to go home..."

"I'm fine..." Kurapika whispered.

"Pika!" Luca said, proud of himself for saying that, clapping his hands again.

Kurapika had tears of joy running down his face, but also felt a sadness. He hated Goro so much and wanted to finish him off. Leorio grabbed him by the arm, taking him to the car and driving to the hospital with Chidzu.

He walked inside the LoveForAll, laying Kurapika down on the bed and once again feeling his forehead. "You need some rest..."

Luca was laying on top of Kurapika's chest, repeatedly saying Pika in amusement. Kurapika looked over at Leorio, his grayish blue eyes returning. "Leorio..." he whispered his name.

"Does this always happen when he uses or gets his scarlet eyes?" Chidzu asked.

"Sorta..." Leorio said, getting a wet cloth and placing it onto his husband's forehead. "Please get some rest...you need to get better..."

Kurapika closed his eyes. "I want...Goro...dead..." he mumbled under his breath before he fell asleep.

"Piiikkkaaa!" Luca called out, not wanting his father to sleep. Leorio picked up Luca, holding him in his arms "Daddy Pika needs his rest...he's sick."

Luca frowned, then nodding. Then he made baby noises, but they were sad ones. "Don't worry, Kurapika will get better in no time..." he whispered to his son.

The growing hatred between Kurapika and Goro was getting stronger. He wanted Goro dead, and hope he died in prison. If not, he would definitely do it himself. Now Kurapika lays ill once again, not wanting his son to see him with scarlet eyes but it was already too late.

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