I smiled, pushing the glasses over my head, "Mommy's ready." 

"She better be." He said, walking in my direction and sneaking his arms into the jacket, around my waist. His touch sent chills down my spine, in the most sexual way of course. I felt my knees become weak just by the gentle strokes. "I missed you so much." He placed soft kisses along the crook of my neck.

Goosebumps immediately formed on my body. I threw my arms around his neck and closed my eyes, enjoying the kisses and moment we were sharing. "I missed you too, baby." 

"Did you?" He asked, his breath hitting my lips. I slowly nodded, attempting to control my moans. "I couldn't stop thinking about you? Doing this? " 

"Oh, Mr. Gates,you don't have to anymore cause I'mma do it."" 

He smirked, "Am I sensing some lovin' comin' my way?" He asked leading me towards the couch. 

Deep inside, I laughed, but on the outside, I nodded, "Of course. But first," I started making my way towards his direction. "How about a little dance?" 

"Ah, a dance, huh? Are you going to strip for me too?" 

"Mhm. But there's only one rule, baby." I said, straddling his lap.

He pecked my lips, "What's that?" 

I looked deep into his brown eyes and lifted his chin, "No touching. You're cuffed and your wife might get mad.

"What do you mean?" He asked in a serious tone. 

"You're married, there's no touching. I just want to see if I'm better than that stripper that was creaming your pants last night, baby." I said in a seductive manner, mocking the female.

He pushed me away, "What are you talking about?" 

"Don't play dumb with me, baby. I heard everything... Mr. Gates. You must've paid her a lot if you weren't gonna touch anything, right?" I teased.

However, Brian wasn't fazed. "Who told you?" 

I started to regret ever teasing him as his tone soon grew dead-serious. "You called me and I answered but it turns out you didn't actually call me, your ass did. When I answered you guys were getting dances from strippers. I don't mind babe. You deserve-"

He quickly pushed me off his lap and on to the cushion beside him. "You fucking eaves dropped?" 

"It's not my fault you love a stripper than your own wife." I joked, saying it with a smile. I, in no way, had any intentions in starting an argument. 

"Are you fucking kidding me, right now? How the fuck can you... If you even had the least bit trust for me, you wouldn't have fucking continued listening to the phone call!" 

I flinched, "Brian, relax. I don't care. I do trust you which is why I didn't start a fig-" 

"You did fucking start a fight!" He raised his voice, standing up. "This is a fight! This is a fucking fight because you started listening in to my conversation! And how dare you fucking say I love a stripper more than my own God damned wife! I've always loved you and a stupid whore has nothing on you!" 

"Okay! Then stop yelling! You're going to wake Sophia up!" 

He shook his head, "If you didn't fucking care you wouldn't have continued to listen, but you fucking did. How dare you say that about my love for you." 

I felt really bad for starting a fight. It was starting to kill me and I hated it with every inch of my soul. "Can you please stop? I don't like fighting..." 

"Yeah, Jackie, I'll fucking stop. I'll fucking stop as I walk out that fucking door for the rest of the fucking day."

He headed towards the door, taking a pullover than hung on the coat rack and slid himself into it. "Brian, stop! Where are you going? We have a God damn family picnic to go to... Please do not do this... I'm sorry..." 

He shrugged, "I'm not going to a motherfucking picnic where we have to be happy because right now, I'm not happy. Don't wait up." Was the final thing he said before leaving the house. 

"I fucking hate myself." I groaned, sulking on the couch. 

Hours later, I waited for a call from Brian saying that he took things out of proportion and he wanted to start the day new. But I didn't get anything. 

I found myself walking with Sophia to a fire pit on the beach, where the Avenged Sevenfold family was holding their Welcome Home BBQ, alone. I had hope thinking Brian would've arrived there for the sake of the family, but I was proven wrong. 

"Hey, where's Brian?" Jason asked, picking Sophia up from the ground.

I greeted him and Suzy before answering his question. "I don't know. He got a little bit pissed off and left..." 

"Did you try calling him?" 

"No. I was too busy getting Sophia ready. I thought he'd be here but I guess I was wrong." 

"Is everything okay?" Johnny asked taking my side. 

I nodded, "Yeah. Just some family issues. It's okay. It's nothing to worry about. I promise." 

Apparently my promise was thin as paper, for everyone saw past it and knew that it was something to worry about. 

Matt stood up, "I'm gonna give him a call. Maybe he needs to talk to one of us. Are you okay, Jacks? Nothing happened?" 

"Nothing happened..." I assured them.

For once, I felt like what happened between Brian and I needed to be kept between Brian and I. I appreciated everyone's help, but we needed to deal with this alone...

Let The Sky Fall (Synyster Gates Series: Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now