The Deal (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

Mitch looked away from Kirstie in defeat. Did Scott not feel awkward fighting about this in front of her? More importantly, was he really so urgent for this to happen that he wasn't crying anymore? Like, at all? He didn't even sound sad anymore, just embarrassingly desperate.

Scott surprised him by turning away from Kirstie and back to him, kissing his cheek. "Please, Mitch? You said in the beginning that you don't wanna wait, I remember. Now I don't wanna wait and you're ignoring me."

"You do this every other month, honey." He pushed Scott's hair away from his forehead, squinting to try to see his expression. His words were heavy but his tone didn't sound devastatingly sad like it had earlier. He just sounded like a kid begging his mom to buy him a toy after she'd already said no. "Don't you think we should stick to the deal?"

"I shouldn't have even made the stupid deal. Why did I do that?"

"To give me options, remember?" And to give himself options. And to get himself together mentally before he devoted himself to Mitch. And for a million other reasons. Falling in love with your best friend wasn't always easy, and he'd thought he was taking preventative cautions by waiting a couple of years just to make sure they both wanted it. "I told you it was silly. You could've just let it happen."

Scott buried his face in his neck. "I was so stupid, Mitch."

"No you weren't. You were thinking ahead. I like that a lot about you, Scotty. You just didn't know better."

"So we can break the deal?"

Mitch bit his bottom lip. They'd gone through this so many times. Scott convincing Mitch to drop the deal and then apologizing profusely the next morning and vowing to wait until they were both twenty five. Sometimes he did it when he was upset like this and just wanted love but usually it was when he was happy and sober, and they usually had a great time together until Scott would cut it off again. That was the worst part of this stupid deal, when Scott would give him a little taste just out of desperation and then pull back out. It wasn't fair to him. Scott knew Mitch was just as in love as he was but he always felt guilty taking his 'options' away from him. Mitch had no doubt that he'd do it again this time. He took a deep breath.

"Fine. We can break the deal."

"So I'm your boyfriend now?"



"Yup." He pressed a kiss to the top of his head, feeling Scott relax against his chest. "Boyfriend."

"Oh my God. You. Two. Are. So. Fucking. Dramatic." Kirstie made sure to enunciate every word, not caring about the moment she was ruining. "You two are both in love with each other and won't date? What the fuck, guys?" She didn't even stop to breathe. "You're practically already together, kissing up on each other like that. God, who knows what else you've... I'm not even gonna go there. Did you two really just have that dramatic ass argument when you're both turning twenty five within the next three months? What the fuck!"

"Shhh. He's only fighting me because he's stressed out. It's okay, I don't expect you to understand. He just has to take his frustration out on me to feel better, right Scotty?" Mitch teased, rubbing his back. "That little fight didn't actually mean anything."

Scott protested, his voice muffled against Mitch's neck. "Stop talking about me like I'm a baby!"

"Oh, you are a baby. A big, big baby."

"Your baby."

Mitch blushed so hard he swore Scott could feel it, because he felt a smile against his neck in that same instant. "Whatever. Fine, my baby. Gross."

"You love me."

"You can stop using that against me now, thanks."

Scott chuckled and it was music to Mitch's ears. It had taken a while but the bad part had finally passed and Scott's mood was finally improving. The pressure he was putting on Mitch about their relationship didn't really matter right now, Scott's happiness did. It took some of the weight off of Mitch's shoulders and eased his heart. "Feeling better now?"

"A little. Can I take you out tonight?"

"You're in no state to go out tonight, Scott. You need rest."

"Fine, can we order room service and have a date in the hotel? Our first date?"

More like their sixth first date. Mitch wondered how many more first dates they would have until they were officially together enough for their real first. At this rate, they didn't even have any firsts left for when their relationship actually started. They'd already done it all. "Fine."

"Really? You want to?"

"Sure. Why not? We're boyfriends now, aren't we?" At least until tomorrow, when Scott would apologize and make him wait a few more months until the real thing. Whatever, he would manage. Seeing Scott happy tonight would be more than worth it. "I'd love to stay in for a room service date with you. It'll be fun."

Scott hummed contentedly against Mitch's neck and even Kirstie could tell he was smiling from the other corner of the bed. He sounded lighter, felt lighter. He breathed a long, slow sigh of relief. "You make me so happy, Mitch."

"I'm glad." He meant it. He really, really meant it, so much that his throat was threatening to tighten. "I love you happy. You deserve to be happy all the time."

"Thank you. Hey, Mitch?"


"Can you, uh... could you do me a favor? I'll pay you back later."

"Anything you want, Scotty."

Mitch's eyes widened when Scott rubbed up against him a little. He bit his lip, smiling when he felt it. Oh, yes he could! He politely asked Kirstie to leave, which really wasn't that hard because she wasn't born the day before and really, really didn't want to stick around to find out what Scott had meant by that. Mitch breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the door close behind her. He was surprised that Scott was even in the mood for this after his crying session but he wasn't going to question it, especially with the promise of getting payed back for it later. And how could he say no when Scott had asked so politely? He'd never been able to refuse the deliciously gorgeous man, and he wasn't going to start now. He double checked that the room was empty before excitedly crawling under Scott's blanket and happily doing him a big, big favor.

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