Beautiful Boy

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I mostly just wrote this because I fucking love the song "This Is What You Came For" by Calvin Harris and Rihanna. If you haven't listened to, why not?! Go do that. Idk why it makes me so emotional because it's a fun song but like wow, so beautiful too. Here, have it projected onto Scomiche. 💕 Let me know if you guys like these non-smutty one shots, I don't do lots of them but if you guys are interested I would love to do more!😊

Scott finished the rest of his drink in one gulp and turned back to his friends, laughing as he watched them dance their hearts out before joining them. This was his favorite part of the night- he was finally buzzing enough from liquor that he couldn't care about a thing if he tried. No self consciousness. No Nerves. No worries. All he wanted to do was dance until he forgot who he was, and then some more. He was finally drunk enough to do so.

He did want one other thing. He had been wanting it for a while- a long while- and no matter how drunk he got he just never seemed to be quite drunk enough to go through with it. It had been weeks of him pining, even going out of his way to schedule his weekend nights so that he had a better chance at getting what he wanted, but he still hadn't made any progress. He was a wimp. He knew he could get it if he wanted to, the hints were in his favor, but the explosion of butterflies in his stomach every time stopped him and made him chicken out. He just wasn't drunk enough, he would tell himself. Not brave enough. Maybe next time he would drink a little more. All he needed was a little extra boost of confidence and he would finally be able to do it. Even walking into the club tonight he had brought along the mentality that he would try again next time. He just probably wouldn't have it in him tonight. Again.

But it was okay. He would get there.

He had almost forgotten about him. It was 11pm and he wasn't even here, and Scott had definitely checked. Every fifteen minutes he would stop dancing to scan the crowd and the bar, and by 10:30 he had given up. He was always here by 9 on Friday nights. He must have just stayed home tonight. Whatever, Scott thought. Less pressure on him to do anything, all the easier to relax and lose himself. He grabbed his friends hand and danced to the music booming from the speakers as the song changed to a trancy remix to one of his current favorites.

"Baby, this is what you came for

Lightning strikes every time she moves..."

He squealed, excited about the song, and danced around with his friends who seemed significantly drunker than him. Then again, he might have just thought that because he was beginning to feel that familiar fuzziness and everything just seemed so serene and pleasant and spacey. No stress, no drama. Just him and his friends having fun without a worry in the world. He giggled as he spun around at the hook of the song, almost tripping, and when he stabilized himself and focuses his eyes, his heart nearly stopped.

And his body actually did. He stopped jumping around to the beat the second he saw that familiar, thin frame dancing less than ten feet away from him. He watched the beautiful boy move to the beat and laugh a full bodied laugh as his friend mimicked his uncoordinated moves. So he had come tonight? Scott wasn't sure if he was happy to see him or stressed out by his unexpected presence but the second the boy turned so that he was fully facing him, he knew.

He had seen that boy plenty of times before-and he was impressed every time- but something about him tonight was making his heart stutter.

He looked absolutely stunning.

"We go fast at the game we play

Who knows why it's gotta be this way?"

Devastatingly beautiful. Ethereal. Nothing short of absolutely enticing. He wasn't looking at Scott, which was an absolute miracle because he could not have possibly been staring with less subtlety. Scott might have been the only one on the floor not dancing, and he could not have cared less. He was absolutely enthralled by the boy's presence and couldn't think of anything that was worth looking away from him. He even felt a nudge on his arm from one of his friends trying to catch his attention but he impatiently swatted it away. It could wait.

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