The blonde breathed heavily, glaring evilly at the man. "You don't want me and Leorio just said all that stuff!"

"You get in the way of genius work! He cares too much about you! So now that you are here, I will be killing you." He said, pulling out a knife. He wasn't planning to use his Nen.

The Chains appeared on his hand and down his arm. Kurapika jumped into the air, using his Chains and trying to attack the man. He was great at dodging. Although, the blonde manged to get him. He wanted to use his Middle Finger for Chain Jail, but he would die and can only be used for the Phantom Troupe

Therefore he used Judgment Chain. He forced the blade of the chain into the man's chest, the chain wrapping around his heart. Now Kurapika could place any rule that he must follow, or the man would die. "You will allow me to be with have three chances to live."

"Never." He simply answered.

Kurapika came at him, kicking him in the face. He then punched him in the stomach, making the man cough blood. "I will be together with Leorio forever. A stupid amateur like you won't stop me."

"That isn't a nice way to treat your elders." The man said with a smirk, making Kurapika punch him in the stomach once again and kick him hard in the neck now.

"This is your last chance. Leorio and I will reunite. We will get together...we will be one..." This was hard for him to say, especially since the awkward memories were stuck in his head. Seeing Leorio's face in his mind made him empty. He wanted to see Leorio again. He wanted him. "Now answer me..." he said, a tear running down his face as he thought of Leorio.

"Leorio needs to remain single...he's better off without you. He needs to focus on his w-" That was it. The blade pierced his heart, blood splashing everywhere and tainting Kurapika's face and clothing. The lifeless body fell to the floor, sirens going off. The police would be here any minute. Not wanting to get caught his chains disappeared.

The blonde kicked the window open, breaking it and glass shattering. He jumped out of it and into the sky, there behind him was a scarlet moon.

"As you see, Kurapika easily killed my older brother because he wanted Leorio, but my brother did not approve of their relationship. After seeing that killing, it is easily said that Kurapika should die." Goro stated.

"Now Kurapika, you may speak." The judge said.

"In my defense, his brother doesn't have the right to controll my life or Leorio's. Just because he is the so called government. Yes I killed him, but he didn't know my true power. So it was his fault he was killed. He must've wanted to die. I told him the rule to my judgement chain, and if he didn't want to listen, that is why he died." Kurapika answered.

"This Judgement Chain, explain it to me more." The judge said.

Kurapika's chain appeared on his arm, showing him the little finger chain, or the judgement chain. "As you saw in the video, this chain wraps around the person's heart. I make a rule, and if they don't follow it, the blade would pierce their heart and die." The blonde explained.

"An interesting ability..." the judge mumbled under his breath.

"May I speak for Kurapika now, your honor?" Leorio asked, opening up his case. It didn't have doctor supplies in it, rather some papers.

The judge nodded. "Doctor Leorio, you are here to support Kurapika. Why do you think he can be innocent? He obviously killed Goro's brother."

"To start off sir, we cannot put so a great hunter in jail. Kurapika here killed all of the Phantom Troupe. What if the troupe is remade? Or another strong opponent that the police cannot defeat? Obviously, Kurapika is possibly one of the only great hunters in this city to kill anyone evil who arrives here."

The judge raised an eyebrow. "Well, I suppose that is true."

"Also," Leorio took out the papers in which why LoveForAll was built. He walked over to the judge, handing him the papers before walking back to Kurapika. "I've known him forever. He would never do such a thing unless I was hurt, or somebody insults his clan. If you see on the papers here, Kurapika is the only reason why LoveForAll was built. I currently did not have a lot of money, so Kurapika used his hunter license to pay for it. He signed and agreed to it. He was happy I had such a job to help people. If it wasn't for Kurapika, the adult and elderly hospital wouldn't have been built, and only our children would be treated! He cares about others just as much as I do!"

Kurapika smiled slightly, nodding. 'Good job Leorio...' he thought to himself.

"You are right about that. These papers are official. Leorio, you are such a considerate helpful man. Possibly one of the best doctors in in the city. Why would you choose to be gay? To be with Kurapika who just killed a life, the opposite of what you do, treat them?" The judge asked curiously.

"Because I've known him for years. I've always been there for him. He's kept my years enjoyable too. He just wants me to be happy. We wanted this for us, and no one can tell us that we can't be together. That is not a law, your honor." Leorio smiled, grabbing Kurapika's hand.

"Oh...I see..." the judge mumbled. "If Kurapika is in jail, he would no longer be a great hunter, and his hunter license will be with us. Also, the hospitals would not be able to be paid off. Well, I think I've came to a decision."

The three of them looked at the judge, waiting for the judge to speak once again.

"Kurapika, if you kill one more governmental person,you will be in prison for years. You are innocent..." he was ashamed of saying that, but Leorio would beg and he didn't want to hear him. "You will have to pay for the window you've broken. That is my decision. Case closed." He said.

"This isn't fair! How is he innocent?! You saw him kill my brother!" Goro yelled.

"But as Kurapika said. If he didn't want to die,he would listen to the rule placed on him. If he was afraid of death, he would of begged for mercy like most weaklings do." the judge said before he was left the court house.

Leorio pulled Kurapika into a hug, lifting him off the ground. Kurapika wrapped his arms around him, a smile on his face. "You really did do it, Leorio..."

Leorio smiled, leaning his forehead against his and then kissing his lips. The two kissed for a while, Kurapika pulling away from hearing the sound of a gun being pulled out.

"I will kill you myself..." Goro mumbled.

Leorio put Kurapika down, standing in front of him. "Remember what I said...I will kill you myself if you even look at Kurapika!" He yelled darkly.

Goro looked into his eyes, noticing they were darker than before. He felt a bit of fear, dropping his gun. "We aren't done here...until we meet again..." he ran off.

The two had a rival to deal with. Kurapika couldn't kill him. Neither could Leorio though. This was going to be a confusing and long rivalry, but the two can still love each other and be by each other's sides.

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