Chapter Twenty -Three

Start from the beginning


   Pierce did her own version of pacing and snarling back in her room. Taking a long hot shower to clean off Val's blood she groan and bicker every step of the way. Walking back into her room she wasn't surprised to see Kathleen sitting on her bed. Pierce smelt her come in ten minutes ago.
   "I froze." Kathleen locked regretful eyes at Pierce.
   "What are you talking about?"
   "I could not spill a word out just seeing her," Kathleen pointed.
   "Kathleen...your insane sister was the least of my worries," Pierce blew out harshly. "I'm sorry. I just can't think of anything else." Pierce wet hair clung to her face. Towel wrapped thoroughly around her body. "I stabbed my own daughter. A daughter...that not a few days ago I thought was my sister. I have some Fae light to your next King or Queen. I have to tell my son his dumb father; who was at least a great father to my son for the most part is dead. And...I have pathological liar for a mother." Every word was rushed out as if her brain was facing a time limit. Pierce exhaled sharply with a small growl and crossed her arms over her chest.
   "You forgot something else?" Kathleen said casually now far from her own emotions.
   Pierce swerved her hands up letting them slap down at her thighs. "Yes, I know. And I have feelings for another woman...who is not a werewolf but a Fae who is also my daughter's aunt. How twisted is that. To top off we had amazing sex. I had sex with another woman for the first time and I can't stop thinking about that too." Pierce thoughts were so disorganized. So much was running through her mind all at once.
   Kathleen's eyes glinted a neon green sucking in a breath filled with desire. Her impulse too, was rather strong at this point. "I meant..." Her throat clam up, too much in thought of Pierce's body hidden underneath that towel..."How our enemies want to kill you because of what you hold inside." Kathleen's eyes slowly ran over Pierce's body.
   Admiration flared inside Kathleen. Pierce was facing all that was difficult and new to her.
   Pierce slumped into bed feeling vulnerable to everything.
It was obvious that Pierce was headed down a path of self-doubt to her new role as Val's mother. "Hey. Before you found out the did you feel about Valerie? How did you view her?"
"She always felt like my child." Pierce answered right away with no doubt in mind.
"Seems to me you got your wish," Kathleen said.
Absently, Pierce nodded.
"Do things ever start off easy? No," Kathleen answered her own question. "You love Val and she loves you. Stop wasting time with regret or shame you should not be feeling."
Pierce took a deep breath getting out of her feelings. "I need to see her."
A soft reassuring smile crossed along Kathleen's face. "Go on."
Their eyes locked for a while never growing uncomfortable. Pierce smile widened her eyes. Kathleen stared back as if watching an art piece.
"Turn around," Pierce smiled twirling her index finger to give Kathleen a bigger clarification. "I can't change in front of you."
"What...?" Kathleen's voice held false hurt. "I've seen--"
"Don't finish that," Pierce butted in. "You're distracting and you know it."
"All right." Kathleen gave in shifting her body around.
Once Pierce was dressed she cleared her throat. "You'll wait for me?" She asked softly. The fact that Pierce sounded timid made Pierce roll her eyes at the way she sounded. She never understood why women voice's got soft for the mate they were with until now. She thought she sounded tough because that was simply who she was. But even the toughest woman could still sound all floaty in the voice for the right lover. Thinking of Kathleen as the right lover for Pierce scared her a bit.
   Kathleen grazed her fingers lightly over Pierce outer thigh. "All night, if I have to."
   Rolling her eyes at Kathleen's exaggerated response, Pierce walked to the door. "It shouldn't take all night."
   "Right." Kathleen teased. "You two are mother and daughter simply by how much you both talk."
Pierce narrowed her eyes at Kathleen. "I can make you wait much longer than a night." Her threat was playful and a bit seductive.
Pursing her lips Kathleen held her hands up. "You win. I'll wait patiently."
"Good." Pierce bent down kissing Kathleen suckling her lips then sighed solemnly. She walked off closing the door.
"Perhaps watching a few movies followed by a nap...she'll be back by then," Kathleen said teasingly to herself.
Down the hall she heard Pierce yell 'I heard that.'

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