Sorry, Important Announcement

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Hey guys-

I'm very sorry for not updating and keeping on my normal schedule for the past week or so. I've been super über busy - Halloween, friends, movies and new glasses helped along with that. Also I've hit a bit of a roadblock. I should've thought this through, but I didn't. I have absolutely no idea how TC is gonna meet up with Luke again, or how it's all gonna end. Aka I have writers block. If anyone has any helpful ideas feel free to IM me/post it in the comments. Thanks for all your understanding, I'm sorry, and BAI! Now I'm gonna get back to the Haunting Movie Marathon I promised myself.

Oh yeah. Promotion. If you've never heard of RejectedShotGun's Haunting series, you should really go watch it. I saw part 5 of the 3rd one last night and I cried a little at the ending :'(

Enough rambling! HABE a great day and I apologize!



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