Chapter 9 - Fantastic

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  • Dedicated to Maryn, my best friend.

-Chapter 9-

-Still Sky's POV :P-

I grabbed Ty's wrist, making his wince lightly. Immediately I lessened my grip ; last thing I wanted to do was hurt him. I lightly touched the gash that laid on the lifeline of his palm. I looked up to see his face twisted in pain from the touch. I lightly removed my thumb and his face went lax again.

"Baby..." I whispered, giving his hand a quick kiss, then holding it close to my heart. "What happened?"

"I-I got mad.." He chocked out. I could tell that this was emotionally hard for him to say, so I started rubbing comforting circles on his back. His shoulders seem to fall into a relaxing place instead of being hunched up.

"I got mad." He repeated. "At everyone. My parents...the bullies...everyone but you, basically." He chuckled lightly and murmured "One time I ever let my feelings out..." As he talked, I crept around the glass and opened the cupboard. I sorted through it, awing the amount of headache medicine they have. Must be for Luke's hangovers...

Finally, my hand grasped a rectangle box. I pulled it out, hitting my elbow on the side of the cabinet.

"Ow!" I felt delicate fingers touching where it was becoming red from a bruise. I slowly turned my head to see Ty, who was gently rubbing the red to ease the pain. I grinned sadly at him and he flashed it back. I wondered if anyone ever did this to him when he was hurt.

I pulled back, grabbing his arm and taking him with me. He gasped when I lifted him up and set him down on my lap, sitting crisscross.

I smiled and gently kissed his nose, my lips curling around it for a fraction if a section. I pulled back just to meet his own lips on mine. They fit perfectly....this is our sign, that we're meant to be together.

As we kissed, I opened the box without looking back to see it. I wrapped my fingers around a long, bandaged object and preyed it was a band aid.

We broke, his eyes sparkling a brilliant blue. It reminded me of an ocean, something I WANTED to get lost in. To sail in forever.

He had his hands wrapped around my waist and his head on my shoulder. His eyes were closed in bliss and tranquility.

I smiled and picked him up bridal style without getting up. I set him so his back was laid across my lap, and his head rested on one of my extended arms.

My other arm gently picked up his bandaged hand, taking off the bled-through bandage. He winced lightly, but kept his eyes closed, probably so we wouldn't have to see the deep gash again. I quickly, yet gently applied the other bandage, pressing it on.

As soon as he felt the light, sticky object touch his skin, his eyes flew open and he forced a grin.

I smiled warmly back and picked him up bridal style once again. He clung his arms around my neck, shrieking to be put down. I grinned widely and laughed warmly, compelled by his shivering.

I carefully walked back to the bed, skillfully avoiding the glass and throw up.

I set him down on the bed and both of us stared down at the throw up distastefully. I got up and began to walk toward the bathroom, but I decided to take one more look at Ty. The headphoned boy was beginning to get up to follow me. I chuckled lightly and pushed him back into the bed. He looked up at me with questioning eyes.

"You're sick, Ty." I murmured, putting my palm to his forehead again. Was it just me, or was he HOTTER than before? "I don't want you doing any work. "

"But-" he began to protest, but I was already out the door.


It didn't take me that long to get the things. Picking up the glass, collecting the cleanup supplies, and some medicine for Ty's cold.

When I walked back into the room, Ty lay, already asleep under the thick covers. I smiled sadly at the site if him. Sweat was dripping down his face, running down his cheeks and onto his neck in buckets.

I gasped and pulled back some of the many covers he had draped over him, making his shiver. I frowned. He was sick with a fever, which meant he was probably FEELING pretty cold, even if he wasn't actually cold.

I decided his comfort was better and replaced the blanket on top of him.

He shuffled under the comforters, and I couldn't help but smile gently. He was sick, hurt and scarred...but he was fantastic to me.

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