Chapter 16 - I Promise

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Okay, so, Im working on two one shots. Ones Merome, the others SkyLox. I can work on either one. Which one do you guys want out? Cause if you vote...idk, SkyLox, I'll work on that one and get it out by tomorrow or Wednesday. If you vote Merome, same story. Both will be coming out RELATIVELY soon. Tell me in the comments, which one. :)

Happy writing! (CHEESY! :3)

-Chapter 16-

I couldn't see. Everything was a blinding white. Ant first, anyway. But I could still feel and hear. I felt a hand clutching mine tightly. I could hear nurses barking at each other ; something about my heart beat. That to, I ignored.

Slowly my vision cleared and I was able to see again. Two made-up faces hung over me. They were females-probably nurses. They smiled nervously down at me. I took a deep breath and looked to my side.

There sat Adam, who was kneeling down next to the hospital bed. His face was red and flushed, and bags hung out from under his eyes. Tears flowed thickly down his cheek and he took in a deep gasp when I looked at him.

"Sky..." I croaked. My voice was raw and sore, but I managed out the next few words "Are you okay?"

Adam chuckled hollowly, staring at me with passionate eyes. He lifted my hand slowly and gave it a kiss, all while holding our look.

"You were just stabbed...and your asking if I'm hurt?"

I shrugged sadly. "I deserved it anyway..." I muttered, not loud enough for anyone to hear.

"Baby you don't deserve this!" Shit. He heard.

He leaned in and gave my nose a gently kiss. He pulled back, still inches away from my face. We stared into each others eyes as he used his hand to scrape the hair out of mine. He slowly approached my lips, brushing his past mine. We both smiled lightly and connected out lips, engaging in a passionate, gentle exchange.

As soon as we broke apart, he motioned for to to scoot over, and I obeyed. He sat down next to me, slinging an arm over my shoulder. I winced in pain at the extra weight ; my stomach still ached.

"I love you..." I murmured, smiling. I wiped the extra tears off his cheeks. His grin grew wider. Then, suddenly, all it one, it flipped into a frown.

"You should have told me..." He whispered, giving my hand and extra pat for comfort. I stared up at him, confused.

"Told you what?"

One of the many nurses that was drifting around the room spoke up, reading from her clipboard. "Tyler Lox, Symptoms : Continuing flu, stabbed in stomach, non-attended sinus infection."

I stared at her like 'What...?'

"You've been sick for a few months, Ty." Explained Sky. He must have seen my face, "Remember when you said you were used to the head pains? That they happen all the time?" I nodded slowly. "That's because you've been sick. You never got the treatment you need...oh, Ty..." his eyes watered over, and he once again brushed the hair out of my eyes. He gave me a gentle kiss before continuing. "You could've died...only a few more days, and you would've been gone...I could've lost you..."

I leaned in, burying him head in the crook of his neck. "That won't happen." I promise.

-Time Skip - Sky's POV-

Two weeks.

He's been out for two weeks.


He's up now...he's okay...alive. I couldn't help but give him a tight hug while we were laying in the hospital bed, listening to each others heartbeat. He laughed lightly and snuggled deeper into my chest.

Then, he winced. I frowned. He had also winced when I lay down the first time. Was Ty okay...? (While writing this line, all I was thinking was HE'S NOT ALRIGHT!!! HE'S BEEN STABBED! GOD SKY! But it's still a good line so...meh.)

"Ty...babe..." He looked up at me with cute, ocean blue eyes, blinking them cutely. "Are you alright?"

He immediately looked back down, suddenly very interested in his hands. His face burned hot. I rubbed comfortable circles on his back.

"I-It just hurts a little. Your weight, I mean. I'm fine." I jumped off him quickly, off the bed in fact. His face fell and he sighed slowly. "And that's why I didn't tell you...I didn't want you to stop holding let go..."

I felt a smile sneak on to my lips. I slung my arm around Ty, yet making sure to not weigh him down. Ty's weak smile returned, and he snuggled deeply in to my side. I heard him taking a loud sigh of relief. I smiled and continued rubbing comfortable circles on his back.

"I love you..." he murmured, taking another deep sigh.

"I love you too." I kissed his lips gently.

"Mr. Lox!" Asked a nurse, coming into the room and smiling sweetly at us.

"Yes?" Me and Ty both said at once, making the lady giggle. Then she continued "Mr. Lox, you need some special antibiotics. Ms. Katherine will do that for you."

The door opened slowly, and in walked...

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