Chapter 13 - Knife

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Hey guys! My hands killing me...just wrote this in less than an hour! :( anyway I have some news, and it's not exactly good. My parents are leaving, so I'm staying with my little cousins. So I can't upload. Sadly, I'll be there till next Friday. I probably won't be able to update till next Saturday. I might update before then if I can though, if I get the time. I can't write while they're around, which is like, always. Also the school dance is coming up this I'm pretty busy with that.

Also sorry about not updating yesterday. We had a lot of errands to do.

Long story short I won't be updating for a week, which I hate but it's kinda out of my grip. That's why I wrote this extra long thing! I WAS gonna leave it off on the worst cliffhanger ever, but I decided not to be that cruel..

So yeah, ENJOY!

P.S. I also won't be answering any comments. No gmail, no YouTube, (I'm gonna die) and no Wattpad. :'(

-Chapter 13-

The cops boots banged against the wood stairs as we tumbled up them.

I kept myself assured by thinking about how Luke had never threatened Ty with death. He wouldn't do it now. He wouldn't do it now. He wouldn't do it now.

As we neared the top of the stairs, I heard angry screams and what sounded like sobbing. I cringed, the reality slapping me in the face that I had left Ty alone

The lead officers eyes narrowed as he stood in front of Ty's bedroom door. His hand darted out and jiggled the handle. When it didn't open, he frowned, seemingly frustrated. He motioned for one of the fellow officers to come over.

The other uniformed raised his knee and rammed it into the door, sending it flying open. The older turned to me, shoving his cool sunglasses up his nose. He sent out an approving vibe ; like he was studying my lifeline just by standing there.

I ignored it and looked past him, into the room. I never wanted to see that scene again.

Luke stood over a trembling Ty, who had oozing cuts and deep blue bruises all over his body. Luke was grinning maniacally his eyes and hand twitching like mad. He gave Ty a strong punch in the gut, sending the headphoned teen down and on to the ground. Ty coughed and gasped for air.

"Ty!" I screeched. The officers didn't waste a moment, sticking out his hand and grabbing Ty quite roughly. Holding him by the arm carelessly, he threw Ty at me. I caught him before he tumbled to the ground.

I held the slightly dazed body close to me, brushing the hair out of his eyes tenderly. "Are you okay?!" I cried. He nodded slowly and coughed, probably still out of breath from the blow to the stomach.

"Fine..." He murmured. I held him even closer, determined to not let him go again. I heard a light sobbing noise and gently rocked Ty.

"I love you..." I whispered.

"I love you to..." He hiccuped. "Thank you, so much...for saving me from the darkness..." I didn't get what he meant, but something told me I would in time. Inside.

"Your under arrest for grade A child abuse!" Growled the cop. All five of them pushed towards Luke.

"Fine..." Muttered the man, hanging his head. His fists clenched and I clenched. "Just one more thing..."

In an amazing feat of strength, Luke pushed through the cops by shoving them to the ground. He grabbed something from behind his back so quickly I wasn't able to see what it was. Ty seemed to though, and he gasped and snuggled closer into my chest for comfort.

To my horror, he grabbed Ty, forcing our grip to break. He pressed his chest against Ty's. At first, I didn't get what mattered, until I saw Ty's eyes widen. He cried out in pain, making me panic.

Luke held his hand on his own stomach, as if he was shoving something...into...Ty...

Luke leaned in and whispered something into the glazed-eyed Ty. I don't think I was supposed to hear it, but I did...

"Love ya, little bro."

I gasped and lurched forward, grabbing Luke forcefully by the shoulder and throwing him into the cops arms. The knife came out of Ty's stomach with a sickening sucking noise.

I gasped and felt tears flood my eyes as I saw the blood-covered knife. My eyes trailed to Ty, who's legs had given out. He lay on a crumpled heap on the ground, blood pouring thickly out of the stab wound in his stomach. His eyes fluttered wildly, desperately trying to stay open.

"TY!" I screamed, falling to my knees in front of the wilting body. He whimpered my name. "Adam..."

I put my hand under his neck and the other under his knees. I lifted up, picking him up bridal style.

I turned to the cop, who was speaking loudly into his intercom. "Please send medical assistance. I repeat, send medical assistance!"

I looked back down at Ty, who's eyes were just barely open.

"Hey..." I cooed gently to the half-conscious Ty. "You've just gotta stay awake until we get to the hospital...come on, you'll be fine..."

Ty nodded slowly, as if he didn't totally believe me. "I-I love y-you..."

"I love you too...and this won't be the last time we say it! You'll be'll be fine..."

I was becoming even more frantic, which I didn't believe was possible. Blood now completely soaked Ty's shirt, dripping down his ankles. His body shook and shuddered, until finally his eyes snapped shut. His head buried itself into my chest when it fell limp.

"Ty...?" I asked softly, giving him a gently shake to wake him up. No answer.

"Ty..." Tears ran thickly down my cheeks. He can't die, he just can't...

Behind me, I could hear the door burst open and the squeaks of a stretchers wheels.

A light hand touched my shoulder, and a gentle, feminine voice said "What happened?"

"His brother..." I explained softly, not bothering to look up

"Alright, get him on to the stretcher boys." The voice commanded, and four men knelt down. They gently took Ty out of my arms.

I looked up, tears still gently flowing down my cheeks. I took in a short, sharp breath at what I saw.

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