Chapter 32 - The people I can always count on

Start from the beginning

'' What about Matt? '' Pete suddenly asked. '' I thought you liked him and you were there only because of him. ''  

'' I know... '' Rebekah slowly said. Then she turned to us. '' By the way, have I mentioned that we broke up? '' 

'' WHAT? '' I asked and almost fell of my chair. Pete just managed to catch me. I leaned on the bar and stared at Rebekah. '' You broke up? Seriously? But you two were so in love! ''  

Rebekah stared at her drink. Her blue eyes were empty. '' We were... And guess what happened?! '' She suddenly turned to me.  

'' What? '' I asked.  

'' Elena! Elena happened! '' she murmured. 

My eyes slightly widened.

'' Yes! It all started that night when we tried to kill her. He told me that he can't be with someone that tries to do that. And I mean, okay, they used to be dating, but it was a long time ago. What the fuck? '' She quickly emptied her drink.  

'' Bitch! '' I said. '' Is like... '' I just shook my head and turned to Pete. '' You see? Elena. Elena. Elena. Is always going to be Elena. '' I murmured and narrowed my eyes with anger. Then I told Rebekah: '' Anyway, I'm here for you. You know that. Anything you'll need, just tell me. I can go back to school with you? ''  

She shook her head. '' You have enough of your problems... ''  

Suddenly my phone announced that I got a text. It was from Caroline.

Can you go with me visit Tyler tomorrow morning? I need someone with me. Please.  

I rolled my eyes. I liked Caroline but Rebekah was right. I had enough of my own problems. I was counting the days to the next full moon. I had important plans that if I was correct involved saving their lives.  

All the losers in school at that hour?

I waited a few seconds for the reply.

I'm sorry if you are still mad at me. But I'm afraid that the guy that almost killed April come and hurt him. He's dangerous.

I frowned. Then I turned to Rebekah. '' Who's April again? ''  

She shrugged.  

Okay, I don't care about April, Elena or whoever will he try to hurt. But I guess that you aren't so bad and I have something that I wanna ask Tyler anyway. When do you need me?

'' Who are you texting? '' Pete asked.  

'' Caroline. ''

I'll pick you up in front of the Mikaelson mansion at 10.

I put my phone away and joined the conversation again.  

Pete suddenly asked me: '' Hey, so are you back with Klaus? ''  

I nodded. '' Yeah. ''  

Rebekah rolled her eyes. '' I don't know how is it possible that you actually like him. ''  

'' What we have is... '' I shrugged. '' Special. And yeah, he may has a little problem with anger and stabbing family members... '' I slowly said. '' But... I love him. He makes me happy. What we have is more then just a sire bond. '' 

Rebekah sighed. '' So I guess that you are back with him, werewolf's got a crush on the Bennett witch and I'm just back to my favourite hobby in Mystic Falls. Torturing Elena. ''


I was sitting on the stairs in front of the entrance to the Mikaelson mansion, hugging my knees and staring somewhere in front of me. My face was expressionless, green eyes shining with sadness because of the moonlight. It was a cold night. The snow was freezing and the wind was making me shiver. Cold... So cold.  

Suddenly I heard: '' What are you doing here, love? Why don't you come inside? ''  

I turned to see Klaus, leaning on the door, with his arms crossed. I just shrugged and looked to the stars again. '' I'm just... '' I started, then I shook my head. '' Nothing. ''  

He sighed and sat down next to me. '' Now come on, sweetheart. You know that you can tell me everything. Or I can just order it to you. ''  

I rolled my eyes. '' It's... I don't know. I've been thinking. ''  

'' About what? '' he asked.  

I shrugged again. '' Everything that's going on. How everything's changing.''  

He was carefully staring at me with his blue eyes. '' You look sad. ''  

'' And why if I look sad? '' I suddenly raised my voice, annoyed, with tears appearing in my eyes. '' Why if I look sad? Weak? Hopeless? Maybe I am all those things. Maybe I'm not that strong that you think I am! ''  

'' You are the strongest person I know, '' he replied.  

'' And what if I'm not? '' I slowly asked, still looking at him with my teary eyes. '' What if I feel like I'm going to loose it any second and break in to thousand little Alice pieces? I feel...'' I grabbed my head, staring in front of me with empty eyes. '' I feel like I'm hanging on the edge and I'm going to fall any second. ''  

'' What's wrong? ''  

I buried my fingers in my hair. '' I just can't take it anymore. Everything's just changing. And I can't keep up. I'm stuck between who I was and what I'm now. I feel like I'm loosing who I am. ''  

Klaus slowly caressed my cheek. '' I'm here to remind you that, love. '' 

'' I... Thank you, '' I said. '' For being here. ''  

'' You and me, love, '' he replied. I remembered when he told me that for the first time.  

If everything in my life was changing, there were some things that always stayed the same. I closed my eyes and nodded with sadness. '' You and me. ''  

'' Are you feeling any better? '' he asked.  

I sighed and stared at the stairs. '' I guess that sometimes is okay not to be okay. ''

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