Randy joined in the hug, "Well, little sister, we have a surprise for you and Brian." He took Sophia into his arms handing me an envelope. "Merry Christmas." 

I opened the envelope and pulled out a home sale form. As I read on, it stated that my dad and Randy bought a house in Laguna Beach. My heart felt complete at that moment. I no longer had to worry about them being thousands of miles away from me. They'd finally be just a few miles away and that made me feel like the luckiest woman to walk the planet. 

"No fucking way!!!" I shouted, "You guys are really moving here?!" 

My dad nodded, "Yeah in a month we'll be officially moved in. We actually already brought somethings to the house and in two weeks our stuff will be delivered." 

"Oh my God! This is so amazing! What made you guys want to move?" 

"Well mom is buried here and you're here. Grandma's up north and everything is here, really. I got an offer to work with the Angels since they're looking for a Public Relations Manager and your brother got offered a job being an entrepreneur for clubs. Not the smartest move, but it's what he wants to do so, why not? Right?" 

I rolled my eyes at my dad, unmoved by his sardonic comment. "This is so good dad, seriously! You'll get to see Sophia grow up and, this is just perfect! Best thing to happen to me all week." 

My dad gave me a look, "What's that supp-" 

"Hey, Mark, Randy! What are you two doing here?" Brian asked walking into the living room followed by Zacky. They both greeted my dad and Randy, exchanging a few words, hugs and handshakes. "We're about to play the song for the babies, you guys should come outside now. There's food, drinks and even a candy bar. Help yourselves. I just have to get my guitar from the room." 

"Oh you're playing a song for the babies?" Randy asked, spotting Sophia from behind as she walked around the coffee table. 

It seemed now a days, she no longer wanted to be in someone's arms. She found amusement in walking around the house with someone not too far behind. She certainly had Brian's energy.

Brian nodded, "Yeah, it's a surprise. No one has heard it just yet, except us and Matt's dad. It's a really nice song. It's loosely based around Jackie's miscarriage and Jimmy's death and then the births of the babies... I'll be back. Everyone outside so we can sing." 

My face instantly flushed once Brian mentioned my miscarriage. Granted, my brother knew about the miscarriage I had while I was dating Jesse but my dad hadn't a clue. I kept it from him only because I didn't want him to beat the shit out of Brian for impregnating his daughter who was going to marry one of his closest friends' sons.

I felt his eye pierce my soul once Zacky and Brian left the room. "Esperanza, what did he mean miscarriage?" 

"Dad it's nothing."  

"You miscarried? When did you miscarry? Why wasn't I informed?!" 

I sighed, shaking my head, already feeling the wave of disappointment in the room. "When I was dating Jesse, Brian and I kind of messed around. I accidentally miscarried. It's nothing to be worried about, dad. It's not like it affected us now. We're married and we have Sophia and that's all that matters. It won't happen again. Promise." 

"Okay... Next time anything like that happens... Tell me. Miscarriages are known on your mom's side and it could effect you negatively when you grow older." 

I raised my hand, "Scouts honor, pop. Can we please go outside now?" 

"Hey, dad take Soph. I'll meet you outside right now. I just gotta talk to Jackie about something." Randy handed Soph to my dad.  "We'll be there right now..." 

Let The Sky Fall (Synyster Gates Series: Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now