Chapter 20

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I woke up to see Roman kissing and shaking me awake. Tonight determines who will be my next challenger/victim for my diva's championship. Me and Roman went to the gym with Skylar and Victor so just in case I get into a fight, I'm going to be prepared. I put on my headphones and started my Adam Lambert playlist. Ghost Town was playing and I started to weights. That song reminded me of when I was with my ex boyfriend, but now I'm free from him. I'm very lucky to have Roman in my life. He is the best thing that has ever happened to me, besides my family. I showered to get the sweat off of me and we left. Whataya Want from Me by Adam Lambert, my favorite song was playing in the car and I sang along to the lyrics. I took a video of myself lip syncing to the song. I started singing out loud as I got into the song. They was all smiling at the they I was singing. They was all speechless because they never hear me sing that before. We got to the arena and I went to the locker room They said that Roman will be at ringside with me during the battle royal. I put on a black lace crop top, my denim jeans, and I put on my Jordans. I put on a little bit of makeup and I curled my hair a little bit. 

Roman was waiting for me and I smiled when he seen me. A tech guy said that it's time for the battle royal. I grabbed my divas championship and I walked out with Roman. Everybody was in the ring and my new theme song hit. (Bodies by Drowning Pool, Stephanie's theme in ECW) I held Roman's hand as we walked down the ramp. I've kept on staring at everyone who wanted my title. I smirked and sat the commentary table.

"Welcome, Brittney and Roman." Michael Cole said.

"Thanks, glad to be here." I smiled and I was watching the match. "Brittney, in your opinion, who do you want to face for your divas championship at Hell In A Cell?" "That's easy, my best friend Sasha Banks, I mean who wouldn't. She has proven day in and day out that she has worked hard for everything, but if it isn't her, well we just have to wait and see." I replied. Rosa was the first eliminated. I waved bye at her and kept on focusing on the match.

Final part of the match...

It was between Sasha Banks and Kharma. I was rooting for Sasha, but Kharma did the Implant Buster and threw her out of the ring. I slowly took off my headset and went to see if Sasha was okay. Kharma was staring at me I put my championship high in the air. "You will never beat me for my title, never." I mouthed as I kept my eyes on her. I went to my locker room and I got dressed. I saw Sasha and I gave her a hug. "Are you okay Sasha, I've saw what she did?" I asked worried. She nodded and she gave me a hug. "When I kept my title and after I beat Kharma, don't worry, I'll give you a title shot whenever you want." I smiled and we shook hands. We left and we went to the hotel and I was tired as hell.

I woke up to the alarm and I went to the hotel gym. I have to do whatever it takes to take Kharma out of the WWE forever. I've faced her before, but that was before I won the championship. I have a bigger target on my back right now and I can't screw myself over. Tonight I have to do a promo about our match at Hell In A Cell. I went back to my hotel room, ate breakfast, showered, and got dressed. We met in the lobby and I got a phone call from Vince

B= Brittney V=Vince

B= Yes sir, what can I do for you Vince?

V= We need to meet with you in my office if that is okay?

B= Yes sir, I'm on my way.

V= Great see you then. And I need to speak with your family as well.

B= Yes sir see you then.

I hanged the phone up and told them that we have a meeting with Vince. They nodded and we drove to the arena. We got out of the car and we walked to Vince's office. I knocked on the door and we came in. "Welcome, please have a seat. I want to talk to Brittney first about her new storyline with Kharma. Some of it will be scripted and the rest won't. You can do what ever you want in the storyline. Here is where your family comes into play, Brittney. One of the part of the storyline is that Kharma will target your family to get in your head. Then, when she tries to attack your sister, you come out and y'all will have an all out brawl hyping up your match for Hell In A Cell. There will be a contract signing a week before the pay-per-view event, so if you want to add a special stipulation to the match it will be okay." He explained. As I heard that a big smirk grew on my face. Everybody agreed and we left. I got ready for my promo. My music hit and I walked towards the ring. I grabbed a microphone and my music was cut off. "What's  up Smackdown?!" They cheered really loud. "If you didn't see what happened here it is." I pointed towards the screen and it showed the replay on Raw. "I have to say, Kharma was impressive, but she didn't impress me. You see, before I won this championship gold, I had to earn my spot on the roster and some I gained the respect of the divas locker room and some of them not that much. As for Kharma, well she has to put almost every diva in pain and suffering. Everybody is scared to death when her theme hits. But, she doesn't scare me. That's right Kharma, you don't scare me at all. I will bring the pain and suffering upon you at Hell In A Cell and you won't do a damn thing about it. You have never intimidated from the start. Maybe before, but the last time we have stepped foot in this ring, I pinned you 1,2,3. History will repeats itself at Hell In A Cell. I'm bringing hell with me when that bell rings. And, just like they say, Kharma's a bitch. You will still be looking at the divas champion at Hell In A Cell and everyone's nightmare will go away when I'm done with you. See you at Hell In A Cell." I dropped the mike and raised my title to where Kharma would see it. I went backstage and I got a hug from Roman. Enzo and Cass was there since they made their debut. "Damn, like that promo you just cut was badass." Roman said. I laughed and I walked to my locker room. Smackdown was over and we left to the hotel.

I'm back on Wattpad. I'm really sorry that I didn't update in like two or three months. There's so much happening to my family and I had to get all my school stuff for high school. Please vote and comment. Hope I did a great  job on this.

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