Chapter 1

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Hi! My name is Brittney. I'm the newest WWE diva. I have black hair and I have brown eyes.  My hometown is Houston, Texas. I was the longest reigning WWE NXT Women's champion of all time. I lost my championship to my best friend Sasha Banks. I walked into the arena and headed to Mr. McMahon's office.

When I was walking, I saw this guy looking at me. He winked at me and I was trying not to blush. I knocked on the door and went inside. Me and Mr. McMahon was discussing my contract and other stuff. I signed my contract and walked out of the office. Just then the guy that winked at me was walking towards me. "Hi, you must be our new WWE diva, I'm Roman Reigns." he said. "Nice to meet you, I'm Brittney." I replied. "Brittney, that is a beautiful name for a beautiful girl."  I was blushing like crazy. I was trying to hide it, but it didn't work. He took me to my locker room and I got dressed into my ring gear. Tonight I was going against Eva Marie. Easy. I went to the gorilla and I stretched a little for my match. Eva was already in the ring.

My theme hit and I was pumped. I hold on to the ring ropes and did a jump split, just like Melina. I smirked at Eva and the bell rung. The match was on.

Roman's POV:

I was watching Brittney's match against Eva. Her theme song hit and everybody was cheering for her. She did a jump split onto the ring apron. The bell rung and the match begun. Brittney was getting into Eva's face and talking s**t to her. Eva slapped her in the face and Brittney tackled her to the floor. I was on the edge of my seat. Dean came in the locker room and see what I was watching.  He smirked at me and sat down on the couch and watch the rest of the match.

Brittney's POV:

Eva had total control of the match. She had me in a sleeper hold. I did a stunner to counter the submission hold. When she turned around, I gave her a boot to the face. The ref counted 1, 2, she kicked out. I went to the top rope and did a 450 splash. "1,2,3 ring the bell." The ref raised my hand in victory. I went backstage and got me a water. Roman came up to me and I smiled at him. "Hey congrats on your win." Roman said to me. "Thanks, so you were watching my match?" I asked while raising a brow. "Yea I did, you are a amazing fighter." I nodded in response. I went back to my locker room and got dressed in my regular clothes. One diva was skipping towards me. I think her name was AJ Lee. "Hi, I'm AJ. I'm the divas champion." She said while shaking my hand. "I know who you are. You are a awesome wrestler. When I was in NXT I always see your matches." I replied back. "Thanks. So all of the roster is going to celebrate your debut win and I was wondering if you want to come?" She asked me. "Yea, sounds great." "Great I'll text you the deets." I gave her my number and I went to my car. I drove off to the hotel and got ready for my celebration.

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