Chapter 7

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I woke up to the sound of the TV. I went to the living room to see AJ watching Superman. She turned to my direction and smiled. "Good morning, Brittney. I made coffee." I nodded and grabbed my coffee.  I got ready to go to the gym. I putted on my black sports bra, my black shorts and my black tank top. I slipped on my black all-star converse and went downstairs. After AJ got ready I grabbed my phone, headphones, gym bag, and my water bottle and walked out the room. When I walked in the gym I saw Roman. He noticed me and he waved at me. I told AJ that I will meet her in a little bit and she nodded. I walked near Roman and smiled. "Hey Brittney you look beautiful." I nodded in response while putting my hair up in a ponytail. "Hey, later can I ask you something? It's really important." He asked me. "Sure, I'll see you later." I went to AJ, Brie, and Nikki and we was talking about my date with Roman last night. I told them everything and they was chanting "Brittney has a boyfriend, Brittney has a boyfriend!" I shushed them because I didn't want Roman to hear. I took off my tank top and put in my bag. When I was doing squats, I saw Roman looking at me. I winked at him and went to the treadmill. I turned on my music and I was jogging to Uma Thurman by Fall Out Boy. I was singing while I was jogging. The whole roster was looking at me. Roman, Dean, AJ, and The Bellas wanted me to sing Confident by Demi Lovato. I played the song out loud and I started singing. Everybody was taking video of me singing. I was dancing and singing at the same time. They was cheering me after I finished singing. I went back to my hotel room with AJ and got ready for Raw.

Hey beautiful loved your singing 2day ;)


Thanks Roman. Do you and Dean want a ride?

Yea sure. See you in a little bit.

Oka bye.

I grabbed my stuff and my keys and we left. We met Roman and Dean and we went to my Bugatti. I played music from my phone and we drove off. It was Roman driving, I'm sitting in the passenger seat, and AJ and Dean was sitting in the back. Watch me by Silento was on and all of us was singing to it. After the song was over we burst into laughter. Back to Back by Drake was playing and I started rapping to it. "Wow Brittney! You can rap too?!" AJ asked surprised. I nodded. We was in beautiful Miami. We got to the arena and Roman turned off the car. Me and AJ walked into the divas locker room. We got dressed into our ring gear and went to see who we are going against. It was me and AJ with Roman and Dean vs Summer Rae and Layla. AJ and Dean went out first and then me and Roman. I did my jump split and slid under the bottom rope. Roman entered the ring and went near our corner. I sat on the rope with AJ while Summer came out with Layla. The bell rung and Dean and Roman went outside the ring. AJ started off against Layla. Layla was too scared so she tagged in Summer and AJ tagged me in. The crowd, Roman, and Dean was chanting my name. Summer was dancing and everybody was laughing at her. I did the worm and everyone was cheering. "I can do that! Watch!" Summer said. "Are you kidding me? This is who I'm going against?" I asked Roman, Dean, and AJ. I gave her a superkick and tagged in AJ. AJ gave her a shining wizard and did the black widow. I knocked Layla off the apron and Summer tapped out.

Roman and Dean went inside and raised our hands in victory. We went backstage and I got dressed for Roman's match against The Miz. I saw Roman warming up for his match and walked towards him without him noticing. "Booo!" I yelled. Roman jumped and looked at me. I was laughing at him so hard. "Yea, ha-ha so funny. Anyway, I need to tell you something really important after my match okay?" I nodded and smiled at him. They called me and Roman's name on the intercom. His theme song went off and we walked down the bleachers. His theme song went off and The Miz theme song went on in the stadium. The bell rung and I went to the commentating table and joined JBL, Michael Cole, and Byron Saxton. "Ladies and Gentleman, we are being joined by WWE Diva, Brittney. " Michael Cole announced. "Thank you John, Michael, Byron." I smiled and the bell rung. "Come on Roman!" I screamed. "Brittney what is the relationship between you and Roman Reigns?" Bryon asked. "Well, Roman was the first one that I met when I started here in this business. I got to know him really well and he got to know me very well also." I replied while Roman gave Miz a superman punch. He then gave him a wicked spear. 1,2,3! The bell rung and I slid under the ring. Roman picked me up in his arms and I raised his hand in victory. We went backstage and I went into the locker room. I saw Dean and AJ playing WWE 2k16. "Hey, Brittney. Do you got a sec?" I nodded and went outside the locker room with Roman. "Okay I'm been really nervous to ask you this because I thought you will reject me. Anyway, I was wondering if you wanted to be my girlfriend?" I was really happy inside. "Yes. I would love to be your girlfriend, Roman." I felt like the happiest girl in the world. I now can call him mine and no one can change that.

Yay! Roman and Brittney is finally together!

What should their ship name be?

Also, on this chapter I wrote over 1000 words. That is world record for me because I normally write over 600.

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