Chapter 9

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My alarm went off and when I woke up Roman wasn't in the bed. I got out of bed and walked into the kitchen. My leg was hurting a little bit, but it was probably a bruise. I saw Roman cooking breakfast shirtless. He looked so hot. "Wow." I said under my breath. "Good morning baby girl. I'm almost done with your breakfast." I nodded and I walked into the living room. Night of Champions is three weeks away and I was super pumped. It was also special to me because it was in Houston, TX. I grabbed my tablet and went on Skype. My sister was online so I pressed call. After the second ring she picked up. "Hey sis I miss you." I told her. My mom and dad died so my 'homeboy' Victor and his family is living with her. She had a huge smile on her face. "Hey, Brittney. I miss you a lot too." She said. "Hey, get everybody. I wanted to tell y'all some interesting news." She nodded and yelled out to the fam. They said hey and they missed me. "Hey guys, missed you too. I got something very important to tell y'all. I have talked to Vince and he allowed me to tell you this. So, Night of Champions is coming up and we are in Houston and he gave me permission to tell you that I have sent you tickets and backstage passes for everyone of you. I will be picking you up personality by a limo." I said. "Oh, and also, you will be sitting in front of the commentating table." Everybody was cheering. I smiled. "We can't wait to see you Britt." Victor said. He gave me that nickname. "Oka I'll talk to you later, bye." They said bye and I ended the call.

I finished my breakfast and got ready to go to the gym. I was wearing all Nike. I walked to AJ, Nattie and Paige (If you don't know, me and Paige are actually becoming friends in real life.) and we was working out together. Roman and I went back to our hotel room and got ready for Smackdown. We grabbed our stuff and left. I let Roman drive the car and played my music. The song was Nasty Freestyle by T-Wayne. I was rapping along to the lyrics. We got to the arena and he gave me the keys. I was going against Nikki Bella for a practice match with nobody at ringside. I got changed into my ring gear and went to catering. I sat with Roman, AJ, Dean, Nattie, and Paige. They called me and Nikki to the gorilla. I went out first and then Nikki. The bell rung and the match was on.

(Skipping towards the end of the match)

Nikki was getting ready to give me a forearm and I gave her a superkick. I was setting up the Last Call and I landed it. "One, Two, Three!" The bell rung and I have pinned the divas champion. The ref raised my hand and I walked backstage. Everybody was congratulating me on my win when I walked through the curtain. I got dressed for Roman's match against Bad News Barrett w/ Eva Marie. I slipped on my Converse and walked to Roman. We both walked down through the crowd and he helped me over the barricade. Bad News Barrett came out with the horrible slut Eva. I gave Roman a good luck kiss and got out of the ring.

(Skipping towards the end of the match. Sorry don't want to write this all down.)

Roman was setting up for his Superman Punch, but Eva got up on the ring apron and distracted him. I ran behind her and pulled her face first on the apron and I did a Lou Thesz press. Roman ducked the Bull Hammer elbow and gave him the superman punch. Roman gave him a spear and got the pinfall. I ran into Roman's arms and we celebrated his victory. We both got out of the ring and went backstage. We went to our car and drove back to the hotel.

What's up people. Sorry that I haven't updated in a while. I've been busy with school and everything. Also, Easter is tomorrow! One more thing, Wrestlemania 32 is next week. Who do you want to win the championship match, Triple H or Roman Reigns?

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