Chapter 5

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I turned off my car when we got to the arena. We went inside and see who we are going against. It was me, AJ, Roman, and Dean vs Seth, Kane, and The Bella Twins. Me and AJ went to the divas locker room and got dressed in our ring gear. We met Roman and Dean at the gorilla. Roman and Dean went out first. AJ grabbed her divas title and skipped to the ring. She went to sat on the ring ropes and my theme song came on. I posed for the paparazzi as they was taking pictures of me. I walked to the ring and did my jump split. I stood on the second rope and threw my two arms in the air. I jumped off the rope and I sat with AJ on the rope. Seth came out with his WWE World Heavyweight Championship belt. Boom! Kane came out and walked slowly to the ring. He stood next to Seth while the Bella Twins came out. The bell rung and AJ started first against Brie. Brie did the loser sign to AJ and she tackled her to the floor. She pushed Brie into the corner and tagged me in. The crowd was chanting my name as I dragged brie by the hair. I did a drop toe hold and she got stuck on the ropes. I did a double knee to the back of her head. Nikki distracted me and Brie did a cheap shot on me. She was punching and kicking me on my side and my leg. "1,2,2!" The ref counted. Brie tagged in Nikki and she began to taunt me. She was choking me against the ropes. The ref pulled her back gave me a Alabama Slam. I kicked out of two. "Come on, Brittney you can do it!" I heard Roman cheered as I was in a very painful submission hold. She tried giving a forearm but I did a matrix move and I gave her a face buster. I finally tagged in Roman and Nikki tagged in Seth. Roman was dominating against Seth. He was getting for the superman punch, Brie and Nikki stepped in front Roman. Me and AJ gave them a wicked spear and threw them out of the ring. Kane was going to chokeslam  Roman, but Dean went in there and was punching the life out of him. Kane pushed Dean against the ropes and gave Kane a wicked clothsline. Roman gave Seth the superman punch and the spear. "1,2,3, ring the bell." The ref counted. Me and AJ slid into the ring. The ref handed AJ her divas title and raised our hands in victory. We celebrated for a few more minutes we headed backstage.

I was going to the Divas locker room with AJ until I heard a voice. "Hey, Brittney." Roman said as he smiled at me. "Hey, Roman." AJ left to the locker room while me and Roman was talking. "So I was wondering... that if you want to go on a date with me?" Roman was blushing when he asked me. "Yeah, that would be great!" I smiled at him. "Great, I'll text you the deets." I nodded and I walked into the locker room with a huge smile on my face. "What's wrong with you?!" AJ asked while walking out of the bathroom. I told her about my date with Roman. She gave me a smirk as I went into the bathroom. After we got dressed we left for the hotel. I dressed in my PJ'S and went to bed dreaming about Roman and our date.

Hey guys! Sorry if I took too long updating this chapter. Last weekend was me and my sister's birthday and my laptop decided not to work. My sister fixed it so thank you Lovie!

Anyway, will Brittney and Roman's date will go good or bad?

When will Roman ask Brittney to be his girlfriend?

Will there be a another girl to stop their relationship?

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