Chapter 47

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I woke up to my alarm. Today is Wrestlemania. We arrived to Dallas last week and we had the hall of fame induction ceremony last night. I showered and got dressed and packed my ring gear and we left to AT&T Stadium with Skylar, Victor, Seth, and Dean. Stephanie said that my match against Sasha will be the main event. We got to the arena and went to the locker room. I went inside the bathroom and got dressed in my ring gear.

 I went inside the bathroom and got dressed in my ring gear

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I did my hair and makeup and went back out. I started to stretch and play music through my phone. Before You Go by Lewis Capaldi showed up on my playlist and I started to sing it while the guys was sitting there.

The doors started to open so Victor and Skylar left to the announce table. Seth and Dean left for their tag team title match against The Club. After 15 minutes, Seth and Dean won their match. After an hour, it was Roman's match against Randy for Roman's title. He gave me a kiss and left as Seth and Dean came in the room. "How do you feel about competing in your first Wrestlemania, Britt?" Seth asked. "I feel nervous and excited. I'm back in my home state, all my friends is here, so I feel pretty confident." I said. After 30 minutes, Roman won his match. We went to catering a little bit and watched the rest of the show before my match. After another hour, it was time for my match against Sasha. I gave Roman a kiss and gave Seth and Dean a fist bump and I walked to the gorilla position. Sasha was already there when I arrived. "Good luck Sasha, let's make it one for the history books." I said to her. She shook my hand and went out first.

After a couple of minutes later, I grabbed my title and walked out.

I walked down the ramp and I saw all my friends and family there. I slid underneath the bottom rope and stood on the left side of the ring. "The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the WWE Women's Championship. Introducing the challenger, from Boston, Massachusetts, she is the boss Sasha Banks!" Lilian Garcia announced. Half the crowd was cheering and booing her. "Introducing her opponent, from Houston, Texas, she is the WWE Women's champion, Brittany!" She announced as I raised my title in the air while everyone was cheering me. I gave my title to the ref and he raised it and rang the bell. A mix of 'Let's go Brittany, Let's go Sasha' chants filled up the arena. We shook hands and we locked up.

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