Chapter 37

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I woke up to my alarm ringing. Tonight I have a match against Aksana and a promo with the Shield and I have to distract Michelle during her match against Sasha. I put on my gym clothes and went to the gym with Seth, Dean, Roman, Victor, Skylar, and Sasha. I did everything in the gym and worked on my wrestling moves then we left back to the hotel to get ready for Raw. We are in Miami tonight so Roman invited his family to the show. I can't wait to meet them. We got dressed and we left to the arena. We got there in 15 minutes and we walked to the locker room. I got dressed in my ring gear and walked to hair and makeup.

I decided not to put in my contacts tonight

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I decided not to put in my contacts tonight. I grabbed my title and I left to where the shield was at and I started to stretch a little bit. It was time for my match and the guys is going to be at ringside again. Aksana went out first.

After a couple of minutes our theme went off.

We walked down the stairs and we hopped the barricade. I slid under the bottom rope and I held my title over my head. I smirked and I gave my title to Seth and Roman kissed me good luck and he got off the apron. She was talking shit to me in Lithuanian and she slapped me in the face. I slapped her back harder and pushed her in the corner and stomped her. I picked her back up and gave her a headbut. I went to the top rope and she moved to the outside. She looked up and I gave her a twisting moonsault. I threw her into the barricade and back into the ring. I gave her a cross body and went for the cover. "1,2," she kicked out. I picked her back up and she grabbed me by my hair and slammed me down. She was taunting me as she kneed me in my back. She put me in a sleeper hold and the guys cheered me on. I countered it into a ddt. She came running and I gave her a superkick. I did the lights out and went for the cover. "1,2,3!" I won the match and the guys came in the ring. Roman grabbed a mic and started to talk.

"This is just a start on us taking over the WWE. Brock if I was you I would walk away if I was you because you are nothing more than Paul Heyman's bitch." Roman said then he gave the mic to me. "You see at the Royal Rumble, we are going to takeover everything. My fiancée will retain the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose will be the new tag team champions and yours truly will retain the women's championship. Also, Michelle and Layla, you two skanks have no idea what you are dealing with. You two want to play with the queen of mindgames, really? Hahaha the two of you don't even come close to being half the woman I am. And Sasha, don't worry okay, me and her will still be best friends. Sasha no matter what the outcome is, we are still good and I know that tonight you will get the victory against Michelle." I said. Just then Michelle and Layla came out.

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