Chapter 24

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I woke up to another nightmare. I know everyone is saying that I shouldn't be worried about that, but I just can't stop. We are going to Miami for Raw tomorrow. I ate breakfast and I took a quick shower. I got dressed and I started packing. I was playing music from my stereo and it played "Scars to your Beautiful" by Alessia Cara.

I was singing along to the song. This song reminds me of my past. I have overcome so much in my life and it's finally worth it. The song was over and I heard people clapping. I quickly turned my head to see Skylar, Roman, and Victor taking video of me. I shook my head and smiled. They was helping me finish packing and we left. We got to the airport and we got our tickets to Miami. We boarded the plane and we went to our seats. I took a picture and turned my phone off. I put on my seatbelt and fell asleep.

Skipping plane ride

I woke up and we walked off the plane. We grabbed our luggage and we drove to the hotel. We decided that Victor can room with me and Roman can room with Skylar. I kissed Roman and we went to our rooms. I unpacked and I changed into my pajamas. I went into the living room and was watching a little bit of TV with Victor. We had separate beds, so it won't get awkward. I went to my bed and I fell asleep.

I woke up to my alarm and I grabbed my coffee. I put on my gym clothes and we went to the gym with Roman and Skylar. I was preparing myself for Raw tonight. I don't know what's going to happen so I'm focusing on what is instore. We left the gym and back to the hotel. I took a quick shower and got dressed. Victor was in the shower so I played "I Write Sins not Tragedies" by Panic at the Disco.

I was singing and dancing to the song and the song was over. I started my Fall Out Boy playlist on my Spotify.

I grabbed my hairbrush and used it as a microphone. Halfway through the song, I heard someone clear their throat. I turned and I saw Victor standing there laughing at me. He walked in the room and he tackled me to the floor. I'm glad that I have him in my life. I always trust him with anything. He is like a brother to me. He was tickling me and I ran to the living room. I hid under a blanket and he sat on me. We was laughing about it and i grabbed my stuff and met with Roman and Skylar and we left to the arena. I was driving and we got to the arena. I went to the locker room and I put on my ring gear (up top). Me and Kharma was opening up the show. Skylar and Victor was out on commentary and the show began. Kharma came out first and she was slowly walking to the ring. She grabbed a mic and tried to talk, but I came out with Roman to my new theme song (up top).

Roman gave me a mic and I stared right into Kharma's eyes. "Aww, Kharma was you going to say something? Or are you just going to stand there and do nothing? I am going to talk to you really slow so you can understand what I am going to say okay? You challenger, me, champion. YOU don't scare me. YOU will never be champion. You will go rot in hell." I smirked and looked at Roman. I walked up to her and slapped her across the face. Before she could do anything, I went out of the ring. I did the loser sign and walked up the ramp. I redid my makeup for my match against Tamina. Roman came out with me again and I walked down the ramp. Tamina came out and the bell rung.

Skipping towards the end of the match

Roman was cheering me on as I was setting up my new finisher "Lights Out" (Angelina Love's finisher). Kharma's theme song hit and I was waiting for her. She wasn't there and her music came off. I turned around and I was met with a superkick. I hold my mouth while Tamina went for the pinfall. "1,2..." I kicked out at two and a half. While she was arguing with the referee, I set up my finisher and hit it perfectly. "1,2,3!" The bell rung and I won. After the ref rose my hand I felt being attacked from behind. I turned to see Kharma grabbing a chair. I came up behind her and tackled her. I kept on punching and kicking her until she was on one knee. I grabbed the chair and slammed it on her back over and over again. "You don't deserve my title! You will never be champion!" I yelled. I sat the chair on the floor and I did my finisher to her on the chair. I stood over her raising my championship high in the air. I walked up the ramp and backstage.

I took a shower and got dressed. It was the main event. I went to catering and sat with Roman, Seth, Enzo, Cass, Sasha, and the Bella's. They was talking about what happened after my match. "That was so brave on what you did Britt. I mean me and Brie couldn't go face to face with her." Nikki said. "Well, I don't back down from no challenge. She's is just a bitch who barks and doesn't bite. She is nothing compared to me." I replied. The show was over and Skylar and Victor came in. "I can't wait for this match Brittney vs Kharma. Everyone place your bets right now." Skylar said. Everyone said my name besides Eva, Summer, Sheamus, Charlotte, and Cameron. I rolled my eyes at them and we left. I grabbed my stuff and we left to the hotel.

I changed into my pajamas and went into the living room with Victor. I put on my glasses and I sat on the couch. We was talking about almost everything and we was playing video games for a little bit. "Hey Victor do you honestly think I can win against Kharma. I mean look at her. I know that I beat her before, but I think I pissed her off even more." I asked. "Britt don't be doubting yourself again. You will win for sure. As long as you don't let her in your head, you got nothing to worry about." I nodded and we turned off the TV. I took off my glasses and I fell asleep.

Hey guys! I had to redo this chapter it won't let me update it all the way.

Birthday was last week and I couldn't update it last week because my friend came over.

Hope you enjoy this chapter.

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