Chapter 21

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I woke up and Roman wasn't in the bed. I went to the living room and I saw him watching TV. Tonight is my first ever WWE Live Event appearance. Anything can happen tonight and I'm excited. Victor and Skylar will be sitting ringside. We was in Chicago tonight. I ate breakfast and I got ready. Roman was already dressed so we grabbed our stuff and we left. We got to the arena and I went to the locker room and put on my ring gear

It was me, Roman, Dean, Enzo, Cass, and Sasha vs AJ Styles, Luke, Karl, Kharma, Alexa, and Kevin Owens

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It was me, Roman, Dean, Enzo, Cass, and Sasha vs AJ Styles, Luke, Karl, Kharma, Alexa, and Kevin Owens. We went out first, then Dean, Enzo and Cass and Sasha came out last. Then AJ and everyone else came out with him. It was announced that one person from each team was in a dance off then we start off the match. They chose me to represent our team and AJ for their team. AJ went first and everybody was laughing at him. When he was finished everybody booed him. I shoved him aside because it was my turn. Billie Jean by Michael Jackson came on and everybody cheered. I started to break dance for a little bit and I did the moonwalk. I pushed off the ropes and I did the worm. AJ was furious and he got in my face. I smacked the shit out of him they dragged me back to my corner. Sasha started off with Kharma and she pushed Sasha into our corner. She tagged me in and I slowly went in the ring. I took a deep breath and I smirked. I walked up to her and I smacked her in the face. She was pissed off and I smacked her again. I tackled her and dragged her by her hair. She pushed me off and she tagged Alexa. She tried to clothesline me, but I did the matrix move and I kicked her in the jaw. She got out of the ring and onto the floor. I did a suicide dive and I place her back in the ring.

She tagged in Luke and I tagged in Big Cass. They was swinging it out and Cass was taking control. Big Cass tagged in Roman. Roman was setting up for the Superman Punch, but Alexa was in the way. Sasha did the backstabber to her and Kharma did a big shoulder tackle to her. I exploded and I tackled her to the floor and slammed her into the steel steps. Dean came in and knocked everybody off the apron. Roman did the spear and he tagged in Cass and Cass tagged in Enzo in. He did the badaboom shakalaka (I think that's how you spell it lol) and we got the win. The ref handed me my championship and we raised our hands in the air in victory. We took pictures with the fans and we went backstage. I took a shower and got dressed. I went to catering and got me something to eat. WWE Live was over and Victor and Skylar sat with us. We ate and we left. I played Skrillex in the car and I played Reptile's Theme from Mortal Kombat. I rolled the windows down and turn the radio up louder.

"I didn't know that your into dubstep Brittney." Roman said. "Yea I started listening to dubstep when I was twelve or thirteen. I only listen to Skrillex." I said back. First of the Year (Equinox) started to play.

The song finished and we got to the hotel and I put on my PJs. I was on my phone checking my Twitter. I logged out and I went on Snapchat. I took a pic of me as a puppy and I set my alarm. Roman got in the bed and we both fell asleep.

Hey guys! Sorry again. I've been busy with High School. I'm taking dance this year. Anyway. I'll update when I can. And sorry if this is a short chapter.

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