Chapter 46

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We just arrived in Minneapolis, Minnesota for Elimination Chamber. We went to the gym to prepare for tonight. After 2 hours, we left and grabbed our stuff and we drove to the Target Center. We arrived 15 minutes later and got out of the car. There was a line of people waiting to get in. We waved and walked to the locker room. I have my ladder match against Michelle tonight also, there is a women's elimination chamber match to determine who I will face at WrestleMania. I grabbed my gear and went into the bathroom and put it on.

(Pretend it is the women's championship and her shorts is like AJ Lee's)

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(Pretend it is the women's championship and her shorts is like AJ Lee's)

I did my hair and make-up and walked out. I stretched and prepared for tonight. The elimination chamber match is right before the main event. I watched the matches that went on through the night and it was time for the women's elimination chamber match. "This is a elimination chamber match to determine the number one contender for the women's championship at WrestleMania. Introducing first, from Boston, Massachusetts, Sasha Banks!" JoJo announced. She went inside the ring and went into one of the pods. Then it was Alexa Bliss. "Introducing next from Columbus, Ohio, Alexa Bliss!" she went inside on of the three pods. "From Staten Island, New York, Carmella!" she went inside the pod. "From San Jose, California, Bayley!" she went inside the last pod. "From Miami, Florida, Layla!" she went inside the ring as she was the first ones starting off. "Introducing last from the Queen City, Charlotte Flair!" she did her entrance and went inside the ring and the ref closed to the door to the chamber and the match started off.

After 30 minutes, it was between Sasha and Charlotte. Charlotte did the natural selection and went for the pin, 1,2 she kicked out. Charlotte went for the figure 8 and Sasha countered it by doing the backstabber and she turned it into the bank statement. Charlotte tapped and Sasha won. "Here is your winner and the number one contender for the women's championship, Sasha Banks!" JoJo said. I walked out of the locker room and met up with Sasha. A cameraman followed me as I walked to Sasha. "Congratulations, Sasha. I just want to let you know I'm walking in WrestleMania as champion and I intend to walk out as women's champion." I said and she nodded. "We'll see about that. Good luck in your match tonight against Michelle and lets tear the house down at WrestleMania." She said as she stook her hand out. I shook her hand and I walked to the gorilla as it was time for the main event. I fist bumped Seth and Dean and I gave Roman a kiss. Michelle was already there and she walked through the curtain.

She did her entrance and walked down the ramp. She went inside the ring and waited for me to come out. After a few minutes of waiting, my theme song went off and I walked out.

My title was already suspended high in the air. I slid underneath the bottom rope and JoJo announced us. "The following is a ladder match and it is for the WWE Women's Championship. Introducing the challenger from Palatka, Florida, Michelle McCool!" everybody booed her out of the building. "And her opponent from Houston, Texas, she is the WWE Women's champion, Brittany!" the crowd was cheering me and I blew them a kiss. The bell rung and we got into each others face.

35 minutes later

Michelle was climbing the ladder and I grabbed her legs out from under her and I did a figure four leg lock on the ladder. I let go after a minute and I knew that Michelle wasn't going to give up that easy, so I pulled her to the ropes and tied her hair to the ring ropes. "This is a brilliant idea by the women's champion!" Michael Cole said. "Tie the hair of the challenger so she can't climb the ladder. There are no disqualifications, this is perfectly legal." Victor said. I climbed to the top of the ladder and grabbed my title as Michelle just got untied. "Here is your winner, and still WWE Women's champion, Brittany!" JoJo announced as the ref raised my hands. I went out of the ring and smirked as I saw Michelle was throwing a fit about her losing. I raised my title and mouthed 'I told you you wouldn't win this.' I blew her a kiss and walked backstage. I went into the locker room and saw Roman, Seth, and Dean. "That was a brilliant move you did there babygirl." Roman said as he kissed me. "I knew you were always such a badass." Dean said smirking. I looked at the TV to see Renee doing an interview with Michelle. "Michelle what happened out there?" she asked her. "You want to act like you didn't see what was out there. Brittany tied my hair and she is still the champion. I will get my revenge and I will become your new women's champion. It may not be tonight, but I will and Brittany will be sorry that she ever messed with me." then she walked off. I rolled my eyes and I got dressed in my regular clothes and met up with Victor and Skylar. Renee caught up with us as we was walking. "Brittany, Michelle McCool earlier tonight said you would be sorry that you ever messed with her. Do you have a response?" she asked me. "Yea I have a response. You see I am the one that climbed the ladder. I am the one that grabbed the championship. No matter what she says, she will remember that she is not flawless anymore. She will remember that she was humiliated by the women's champion, me." I said and I walked to the car. We put our stuff in the trunk and got inside and drove to the hotel. We arrived at the hotel and grabbed our stuff and walked to the hotel room. I took a shower and got dressed in my pajamas and fell asleep. I felt Roman pull me close and my head was on his chest.

Hey guys sorry if I haven't updated this story in a while. I was busy with tests and updating my other stories on my other account. Hope you enjoy this story and I will update more when I can. Peace out loves. ✌️

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