Chapter 19

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I woke up and I turned off my alarm. I got dressed in my gym clothes and I went to the gym with Roman. I was preparing on what's in store for me on Smackdown tonight. I took a shower and I got dressed and we went back to the hotel. We picked up Skylar and Victor and we drove to the arena. Today is our final day in Houston and we all planned to go out before we leave my hometown. We got to the arena and I grabbed my bag and went to my locker room. Tonight I was going against one of the toughest divas in history, Kharma. Roman was going to be at ringside for my match. I have seen Kharma's matches in Japan and nobody can beat her, hell I don't think Beth Phoenix can beat her. I put on my ring gear and I went to catering with Roman. Victor and Skylar was already doing their job. They called our name and we left to the gorilla. My theme song went off and the crowd exploded with applause. I slid under the rope and I rose my championship in the air. I gave my championship to the timekeeper and Kharma's theme hit. Total fear and stress came on to my face I slid out of the ring and Kharma went through the ropes keeping her eyes on me. "You got this baby alright?" I nodded and he gave me a good luck kiss. I slowly stood on the apron and went in the ring.

The bell rung and she was slowly stalking me. I went to the ropes to get me some space. I breathed in and out and we locked up. I had her in a headlock and she knocked me down. I kicked her in her leg and she gave a shoulder tackle. I rolled out of the ring and I was frustrated. I went back in the ring on the count of 6. I kept on punching her until she was on one knee. I pulled her up by her hair and she pushed me to the corner. She did a splash to me and I collapsed to the floor. She bounced off the ropes and me a huge splash. It took the wind out of me. She went for the cover, "1,2,..." I kicked out. She pulled me up and she gave me a big boot. She gave me a bear hug submission hold. Roman was beating the apron and everybody was chanting my name. I gave her a elbow she pushed me against the ropes and went for a powerbomb. I countered and gave her a superman punch. I gave her a wicked spear and I went to the top rope and gave her a swanton bomb. I went for the cover, "1,2,3!" The bell rung and Roman gave me a hug. The ref handed me my championship and I continued to celebrate. I walked backstage and I got me a water bottle. I was trying to catch my breath and I grabbed a towel to wipe my sweat. Stephanie and Vince started to walk our way and I shook his hand. "Brittney, congratulations on your victory. We would like to inform you that on this Monday on Raw, there will be a battle royal to determine the number one contender for your championship. I nodded and I went to my locker room. I put on a dress since Smackdown is almost over and we are going somewhere.

The main event was over and Victor and Skylar came in the locker room and hugged me. We went to Red Lobster and I saw my half-sister's basketball coach. We finished and we bought flowers and we drove to the cemetery where my mom and dad is buried. We all walked to the tombstone and me and Skylar started to burst into tears. We sat our flowers and we whispered we love them and we left. Me and Skylar was still crying even though we left. They started to hug us and comfort us. Me and Skylar was there when they made the call saying that our mom and dad was killed in a car accident. Skylar called Victor saying that our mom and dad died and they lived with us since then. I wiped my tears and we went to the hotel. We went to our hotel room and I fell asleep.

What's up everybody! Sorry if I didn't write a lot more. I'm super tired right now and everything is happening at school.

This one girl is pressuring me to fight her and I don't want to because I'm that smart, but still she is lying to me and calling me names and shit like that so I'm super upset about that.

I'll try to update tomorrow, I just got my laptop fixed and now it's about to die.

Peace and keep on reading my book please. :)

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