Chapter 16

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My alarm went off and I turned it off. I woke up Roman and I went to take a shower and got dressed. Today we leave to Chicago for the final Monday Night Raw before Night of Champions. Roman got dressed and we packed all our stuff. I grabbed the card and went to the lobby. I gave the clerk the card and we left our flight was at 12:30 and it was 11:30. We drove to my sister's house before we left. Our flight time is 2hrs. We turned off the car and we knocked at the door. The door opened and the whole family was in the living room.
"Hey everybody thank you so much for letting us spend time with you before we leave I love y'all so much. I know we are coming back in a week but I'm going to miss y'all so much." I said. Everybody was giving me a hug and Skylar gave a long one. "I'm going to miss you so much Brittney." I hugged her and we left the house.

I started to cry and Roman hugged me. We drove to the airport and it was exactly 12:15. We sat around for a little bit and they starting boarding the plane to Chicago. We gave the lady our ticket and we took our seats. I looked out the window and saw my hometown one last time and we started flying. I fell asleep on Roman's shoulder while listening to music. Roman shook me to wake me up and we got off the plane. There was a limo waiting for us and drove us to the arena. They opened the door for us and we grabbed our stuff. Everybody was welcoming us back and I smiled while I was walking to the locker room. I got dressed in my ring gear and saw that I was going against Beth Phoenix. I was warming up for my match and mentally prepared myself because if I win it will give me the advantage, if I lose it will give Nikki the advantage. Beth just started going to the ring and now it is my turn. The crowd was cheering loud when they heard my theme song play. "I'm back Chicago!" I yelled. I slid under the rope and I posed on the second rope. I went face to face with the glamazon herself. She was a little bit taller than me and she has the strength advantage while I had speed and high flying ability. The bell rung and she was talking bad shit about me. She pushed me into the ring ropes.

She slapped me in the face and I tackled her to the floor. I climbed up to the top turnbuckle and I gave her a cross body. I standed back up to my feet and I slid back into the ring. She came back in the ring at the count of 8. I grabbed her by her hair and she elbowed me in the stomach. I did a armbar and she picked me up with one arm and dragged me to the turnbuckle. I tried to do a sunset flip but I fell and I felt a sharp pain in my leg, back, and my arm. I crawled out and she was chokeing me against the ropes. She threw me out of the ring and threw me in the steps and the barricade. She pushed me back in the ring and I was playing possum. When she came towards me I rolled her up and got the victory. I walked backwards up the ramp and I smiled. I walked backstage and I saw Roman coming my way. "Hey baby girl you all right I saw what happened when you fell?" I nodded and I went to my locker room. It was Roman vs Fandango. I wasn't allowed at ringside so I fell asleep. I woke up to the sound of a bell and Roman won his match. I met him and we left the arena and drove to the hotel. Halo by Beyonce was on so I sang along to it. I took video of me singing and send it to Twitter. I should sing this if me and Roman gets married. I smiled at the thought and continued singing. Girl on Fire by Alicia Keys was on. I actually did a cover of this song when I was 14. It was at school and everybody was seeing me singing that song. We got to the hotel and we went to our room. I took a shower and got dressed and I fell asleep.

Roman kept on kissing me until I woke up. It was Smackdown I was on commentary for Nikki's match against Naomi with Tamina. I got dressed and after they did their entrance I walked out and waved to Nikki and Brie as I joined commentary with Bryon Mauro and Jerry. "Ladies and gentleman we are be joined by the number one contender to Nikki's divas championship belt, Brittney!" I shaked their hand and sat down. "Brittney you are going against Nikki in the first ever divas championship hell in a cell match. How are you preparing for that kind of matchup?" Mauro asked. "Well I'm now prepared mentally and physically. I'm studying all the hell in a cell matches and taking notes." I replied. Nikki looked at me and saying that she's going to win. Naomi rolled her up and got the victory. I pointed to her championship and walked backstage. We went to the hotel and I fell asleep. I'm now focused than ever for my match.

Goodnight everybody

Who is going to win Brittney or Nikki?

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