Chapter 7 - Daddy Chanyeol

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 "Yeah, she's a lot of work."

 "Hey, at least you weren't the one giving her a bath," I said pointing to my wet clothes and sticking my tongue out.

 "Well I kind of like that look on you," he says with a smirk, coming over to wrap his arms around my body. I feel a shiver run up my body from Chanyeol's warm touch heating up my cold, wet body. "Let's get these wet clothes off you. Wouldn't want you catching a cold," he spoke slowly planting a kiss on my neck. He pulled my shirt off leaving me in my bra.

 He knelt down to the floor and began working on my pants. I could feel myself growing more and more aroused. It has been a good two weeks or so since we had time to be this intimate, both of us being worn out from work and taking care of Darcy. We needed some time for ourselves.

 I was out of my pants and in my underwear and bra, while Chanyeol wa still fully clothed. I took one glance at him and clicked my tongue before pointing to his shirt. "Off," I said quietly. He grabbed his shirt from the back of his neck and swiftly pulled it off, leaving his chest exposed to me. I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his torso, hugging him to me. He bent down and gently kissed me on the lips. Our tongues entwined, the level of passion and desire increasing.

 He reached his arms around my back and unclasped my bra, letting it fall off my arms and land on the floor between us. I desperately pushed my body to his, needing him. We walked our way backwards until we hit the mattress. I tugged down Chanyeol's trousers down before reattaching our lips. We continued to kiss feverishly, me standing in between his legs. I could feel his excitement growing so I pushed him back onto the bed.

 He immediately flipped me onto my back planting kisses up and down my stomach all the way to my mouth before our hot and heavy embrace continued. Chanyeol brought his hands down to my underwear and slipped it down my legs before settling between my thighs. I wrapped my arms around his backside as he cupped my core with his large hand.

I shut my eyes tightly. "Let's cut to the chase," I said sighing in exasperation.

 "Someone's eager," Chanyeol said smirking.

 I pulled Chanyeol's boxers down his backside freeing his erection. "I just need you to take me. Please," I said begging.

 I could hear  light chuckle come from him as he reached into the night stand for a condom. "Wouldn't want another little Darcy running around yet would we?" he asked.

 "Wait." I said. He had a look of confusion on his face. "It wouldn't hurt would it? I think we could handle another baby," I said. 

 "Are you sure?" he asked. 

 "Yes," I said confidently.

 "Okay, we'll do it. Plus you're really cute when you're pregnant babe," he said dropping a wink.

 "Alright, now let's get back to the more important task at hand," I said eyeing his erection and my spread legs. All he did was laugh before coming back and planting a sweet kiss on my lips. I started to squirm with anticipation as he grabbed his length and lined it up with my core. I pulled the comfoter up his back encasing us in our own warmth.

 He slowly eased into me, both of us sighing in relief. We were a great team when it came to taking care of Darcy, but this is what we did best. Once he was fully inside, he started gently rocking back and forth, setting the pace. Quiet moans started to escape my lips as I started falling into my own personal heaven.

 We were going at a steady spped when I was distracted by the sound of our bedroom door creaking open. I gasped and looked at the crack in the door to see a little pair of eyes standing in the doorway. Shit! I mentally cursed. I made eye contact with my little girl and she went scampering down the hallway back to her bedroom. I looked up at Chanyeol as he continued to penetrate me.

 "Don't worry babe everything will be fine," he reassured me.

 I tried to distract myself from the fact that our daughter had walked in on us making love, and regain focu on the euphoric feeling of Chanyeol taking me to places only he could take me.

 I was nearing my climax and Chanyeol trailed his fingers from my side down to my clit and started pushing furiously, begging me to orgasm. He must have been getting close too. With a few more thrusts, we both came undone, spiraling into pleasure.

 Once we were back down, Chanyeol slipped from me and I winced, longing for him to fill me once again. I looked up at him, pure guilt showing on my face. He realized that I was upset. "I'll go check on her," he said as he got up from the bed to put his boxers on. I sat up and walkes over to my wardrobe to pull on a night gown.

 Once I had it on, Chanyeol was back in our bedroom. "She's fast asleep again," he said both of us sighing in relief. He wrapped his arms around me once again and planted a kiss on my forehead. "Now let's not worry about that and get some proper sleep. She''ll probably forget about it by tomorrow mornig," he said hugging me one more time.

 We both crawled up in bed and huddled under the covers laying against one another before finally getting comfortable and falling into a deep sleep.

  I woke in the morning with the sun streaming in the windows with Chanyeol still sleeping next to me. It was Saturday morning so I decided to get up to make breakfast. I slipped from the bed, careful not to wake Chanyeol and made my way down to the kitchen. I started to prepare chocolate chip pancakes and bacon; one of Darcy's favorites.

 I am putting some bacon on a platter when I saw Chanyeol emerge into the kitchen with a sleepy Darcy in his arms. "Good morning sweetheart," I kissed her cheek. Chanyeol set her down at her place at the table. I put a little pancake on a plate for her with her little princess cup filled with milk.

 I brought the rest of the food over to the table and sat down to join the rest of my family. Darcy was happily munching on her pancakes and bacon, as were Chanyeol and I. After she had taken a sip of her milk she had a curious look on her face.

 "What were you and mommy doing last night?" she asked Chanyeol.

 He turned to me and a blush of embarrasment immediately washed over my face. He turned back to Darcy and responded. "We were just playing." I wanted to burst out laughing at his response.

 "Why was mommy yelling?" she asked again. 

 Well she certainly wants to know everything... I didn't think I was that loud last night... "Uh," Chanyeol said. "I was tickling her and she was trying to get me to stop." I couldn't help but blush once again. "Why were you out of your bed?" Chanyeol asked her. 

 "I woke up in my bed and I got scared," she said innocently.

 "It's okay sweetie," I said. "There's nothing to be afraid of. Daddy and I are always here." 

 "Okay mommy." She continued to munch on her breakfast. I rose from the table to get myself some orange juice from the refrigerator. As soon as I opened the door, I felt Chanyeol creep up behind me.

 "It looks like we'll have to be more careful next time Mommy," he said whispering in my ear before swatting my backside.

 "Yeah I guess so Daddy," I said smirking at him before heading bsck to the table to enjoy my breakfast with my little family.


I think everyone loves a little bit of Daddy Chanyeol.

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