chapter 29.

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(a/n: so, the story is coming to a close end. there will be no sequel, sadly, and these last few chapters are just tying the loose ends for each character- well, main characters, tbh. there might be an epilogue, i'm not rly sure tho. anyway, enjoy! also yoo sorry for not updating in so long, it's the summer and i'm on holiday in poland rn so i only got wifi at my aunt's house like 2 days ago)


"Kim, wait-"

It was too late. She already ran off and shut the door behind her, leaving me, perplexed on her apartment floor. I was scared. Not only of what she might do, and what might happen to her, but also how she felt toward me. Did she run away because she didn't like me? Was she scared of me?

I had no idea. I contemplated staying in her apartment and waiting for her, but instead decided to go after her. After all, I had no idea what she might do in that state of madness, confusion and possibly fear. I also had no idea where she would go,but it's worth giving it a try. In fact, I was scared. Of what she might do, what might happen to her. The reasons why I wanted to try go after her.

As I reached the front door of the building, her car was already speeding away toward the main street. I tried to recall any facts about her, where her usual go-to place would be. Then it clicked; bars. Pubs. The first time I saw her, she was drunk off her ass in a bar, and she seemed to be used to it. There were a few bars around the main street, so I started running as fast as I could possibly go. I definitely wasn't going to waste any time.


There are roughly three bars around the main street, so I went to the closest one first. I yelled out her name, tried to stand on a table and see if I could spot her, but no luck there. I went to the next one, and looked around. I saw a pair of familiar sky blue eyes, though they were being taken over by a deep, grey, empty colour. And then came in the full image; that brown mousey hair. Short, and not the prettiest sight. I found her.

I found Kim. I pushed through the crowd, earning insults coming from both sides as a few people stumbled back from the impact of my shoulders.

"Kim, what are you doin-" was all I could get out before she turned around and grabbed my face, pulling it toward hers into an intense kiss. I didn't pull away; it had been so long since I last touched someone like this.

I didn't think. I didn't think about what was wrong and what was right at that moment. I took advantage over her, without meaning to.

It was a mistake when I fell asleep.s


When I woke up, Kim wasn't next to me anymore. The space where she was laying down on earlier was cold. I sat up suddenly, mumbling curses under my breath as I realised; Kim was gone. She was still drunk as far as I knew, and she had no way of getting home safely. She couldn't drive in the state she was in.

Wait. No. She couldn't have..

Could she?

I rushed out of the bed, putting my clothes on as quickly as humanly possible and ran out into the crowd, pushing through as I did when I was finding Kim earlier. Except earlier, I was sure she was fine.

Now I wasn't. I was almost sure something bad happened to her. So I ran out, asked about whether they saw her, what state she was in at that time but no luck in finding out where she was. That was, until, a certain guy asked, "Oh, you mean the girl who crashed her car? She was rushed to the hospital, didn't you know?"

Crap. There I was, laying in bed with no idea of what was going on, and here we had Kim, drunk, unstable Kim driving and crashing. I got the hospital name from the man and thanked him, already rushing to the hospital.


"Uhh, I'm looking for a Kim- Kimberly Warren?" I stammered to the lady at the desk. She gave me a pitiful look. What? Why did she? What happened?

"I'm sorry, honey, but Kimberly Warren has passed. She died on the way here.. I'm so sorry.." replied the lady, answering the questions I haven't yet spoken out loud.

My eyes widened. I felt tears pricking at my eyes, and I tried blinking them back, but with no luck. They rolled down my cheeks, one by one, as I backed away from the desk and walked out of the hospital.

I guess not everyone gets the happy ending they want.

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