chapter 15.

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Dressed in some thick grey leggings and a loose white vest shirt encased in Phil's adventure time hoodie, I wandered out of my messy bedroom which hadn't been touched since a day ago. Throwing my rucksack over my weakened shoulder I continued into the kitchen where Phil was waiting, gazing over the glossy pictures which covered the fridge.

Quietly, I edged the cupboard open and shoved a tub of freshly baked brownies into the bag.

"They're my cousins, if you're wondering," I said, slumping down in the breakfast bars stool.

He quickly averted his glistening eyes to where I was.

"She has the same kind of hair as you," he said, returning to scanning the photos.

"I guess, except hers is bleached blonde," I shrugged, fiddling about with the yellow tassels which ran down from the hood.

"Is that my jumper?" Phil asked, cocking his head slightly and wandering over to the leathery stool next to me.

"Yeah," I mumbled quietly, looking towards the creamy tiled floor.

"It looks cute," he squealed playfully.

"Thank you," I giggled as my face flushed a subtle red.

"Shall we start heading to the hospital soon?" Phil questioned, gradually making his way over to the open wooden doorframe.

"Sure, thank you for everything by the way," I smiled, casually linking our hands together as if it was normal now.

"You're welcome," he smiled back, squeezing my hand reassuringly.

"Just call when you want picking up in the morning,"


I waved a tiny goodbye to Phil, who was perched inside the glossy black taxi, from the entrance to the hospital. I quickly jogged inside after the black cab was loft amongst vast amounts of sliver cars, navy blue cars, black cars, red cars and more. The nights eerie glow rested on the ground as bright lights from cars and busses sliced through the darkness, illuminating parts of the ground.

The hospital still stunk of chemicals as I wandered through corridors, waiting rooms and past other wards until I reached Kyle's.

I strode in through the double swinging doors and over to his bed where he lay, gazing at the simple ceiling.

"I brought brownies!" I exclaimed slumping down on the opposite end of the squishy bed and pulling the plastic tub from under my toothbrush and phone. I ripped the lid off and stuck my hand in amongst the brownies.

"I'm not hungry, " he scoffed.

"Just smell them though!" I teased, waving a small cube under his nose then quickly shoving it in my mouth, letting it melt on my tongue.

He shakily sat up, crossing his legs, his face expressionless.

"I said I wasn't hungry, Indie," he chuckled, the tiny dimples in his cheeks crinkling as his pale dry skin twitched upwards.

"More for me then," I shrugged, scoffing another one.

Kyle sighed at me, his deep green eyes unblinking and motionless.

"What's the time?" he piped up after glancing around the empty ward presumably for a clock.

"About half past 9, I think."

"Okay, I might need to sleep in about half an hour. Dr. Smith says I need as much sleep as possible. It's all bullshit, if you ask me."

I giggled at Kyle's usual pissed off self and curled up next to him, pulling him tight towards me and clinging on so he'd never escape again.

"Why did this happen Kyle?" I sighed, twirling his deep brown hair between my thumb and forefinger.

"Can we talk about it tomorrow?" He asked timidly, as if I'd be annoyed by his request.

"Of course we can. I just want to know how it happened after you had done so well."

He rolled his head towards me. His face dry and pale whilst his deep forest green eyes stuck out against the black bags hanging below them.

"Tomorrow, Indie," he whispered, the tiniest smile creeping up.

"You're my best favourite brother ever," I grinned cheekily, poking his slender cheekbones.

"I'm your only brother, you twat," he chuckled, flicking my hand away.

"You know what I mean."

"Nope. I really don't," he said simply, curling his head into the crook of my neck.

"Shut up," I playfully joked, bringing my knees up to my chest and gently closing my eyelids.

"Make me" Kyle muttered sleepily.

"I'll fight you bruh. Here and now," I replied, just as tired.

"Start on me then," he mumbled, his voice growing softer and softer.

"Nah, you're alright" I yawned

"Whatever, Indie," he finally muttered through the duvet and his sleepy gentle voice.

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