Dream come true.

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Hey guys, damn it's been a long time. I have news, I'm going to a Panic! Concert!!!! It's a dream come true for me. Since I was 12 I loved this damn band. I'm going with my mom and best friend and I can't wait. After this, my next goal is to meet my girlfriend. A bit tougher, but I think it's possible. Thank you all for all of your support over the years. You all mean more to me than you'll ever know and you've kept me going for years. I started this when I was 13 and I'm now 16. It's embarrassing to look back and read this, but to this day I get on this site everyday to see 400+ notifications and it means so much. This is at 106k reads now, and I'm astonished that something that started out as a dare to post with my two best friends turned into such a huge part of my life. Each and every one of you are angels. I'm thinking about writing again, and I doubt a lot of you will read this chapter because it's been so long, but if you do, let me know what you'd want. Once again, thank you all.

Kira. 💞

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