Chapter 30

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•SO OKAY I am updating for lydiaslibrary the one person who cares about this book cx but the sequel WILL be happening because faith will kill me if I don't. so yeah! xO I do realize that I need to update fix me and mistreated misfits but that'll have to wait CX I'm sorry faith.. xD•

"Excuse me?" Kalel said

"I'm sorry but there's only one heart beat I'm afraid you've lost a baby."

"No no! That's not possible! This can't happen to me! Me and josh were supposed to get married! and have kids! Together! He said he wanted them! Then he kills one!? God I hate him! That bastard will pay!" she screamed through violent sobs.

"Shhh it'll be okay. we'll help you." Brendon said holding her and stroking her hair while I talked to the doctor.

"Are you sure? please say it's a joke! please please please theses are my little cousins you're talking about, please!"

"I'm sorry Miss Lovell, but one of the baby's died."

"That's murder right!? we can get him sent to jail right!?"

"I'm afraid not. Its almost the same as abortion."

"God fucking dammit! Brendon you better get the lawyer and bail ready because that man is fucking DEAD!" I said stomping out of the room and down to Josh's room.

"I HOPE YOU'RE FUCKING HAPPY!" I screamed running in and slamming and locking the door.

"SHH not so fuckin loud I have a headache."

"Does it look like I care!? You killed one of your own children! I don't want you around us again. I want you dead, but I have a baby on the way so I can't go to jail! But I swear if I wasn't pregnant third have a syringe in your chest right now!" I screamed

"I killed one of my babies?"

"Stop acting like you give a Fuck. They're not yours. not anymore. you're done with Kalel you're done living in that house I had Kat go back your stuff is on the lawn. you're done with us." I said turning around and starting to walk out. But I stopped in my place when he said

"At least I'm not pregnant with a man, who isn't even my partners baby."

"I was raped, you know that." I said calmly, on the verge of tears.

"Still, I would have killed the thing by now."

"FUCK YOU! If I were to kill this kid that would be one smile I would never see. one laugh I would never hear and me and Brendon want this kid! no matter who it's father is!"

"Wow. that'll be a fucked up future."

"Fuck you josh."

"Only if you want to." he said smirking and getting up walking towards me as I opened the door and ran out right back to Kalels room hiding behind Brendon.

"Brendon.." I whimpered as josh ran into the room.

Then, Brendon walked to him and punched him square in the face.

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