Chapter 31

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"Ill just take my business elsewhere" he said with a smirk and a broken nose.

"You've changed josh."
Kalel said getting up

"Kalel, get away from him." I warned.

"No, I can handle this." she said walking closer. "Remember when we talked about our kids? When we talked about our wedding? do you remember our first date? You set rose petals out and played I Will Follow You Into The Dark. Then we danced in the candle light to Your Guardian Angel. That was our song. remember how you asked me to prom? you gave me a little quiz paper with lyrics to songs and I had to fill them in and it spelled 'will you go to prom with me?' And at the bottom it said 'when you're done please go over the answers to make sure you're confident with them." then I had to circle yes or no. And of course I circled yes. Do you remember that josh? Do you?"

"Yeah." he smirked. "But that's over. All I am is a monster like my parents said I was gonna be."

"No you're not! You're just acting like this because your parents put it in your head."

"Even if i'm not its too late! I killed one of our babies!"

"Yeah and I'll never forgive you. Just look at me and see what you've lost. look at my stomach." I watched his eyes travel down to he stomach.

"You're never gonna see this little kid smile. You're never gonna hear his laugh. and it's a boy too. a boy that WOULD HAVE looked up to you. But now he never will. now he's gonna look up to Brendon and you're going to be the father he's forbidden to see. how does that make you feel josh? are you proud? oh and the baby you killed, was a girl. you killed a baby girl josh. YOU FUCKING KILLED HER!"

At this point she was getting mad and I walked over to her. and calmed her down. by hugging her and stroking her hair.

"Shhh it's okay baby girl..." I whispered in her ear

"B-but h-he killed h-her" she choked out.

"I know.. I know.." I said.

I heard Brendon whisper to josh.

"Get out"
Then a door open and shut.

I felt strong arms wrap around me and Kalel. I looked up to see Brendon looking down. Like the angel I've been waiting for.

Then I thought.

We might actually get through this.

•SO YEAH you guys might want to read mistreated misfits because I have decided to make it a little side story thingy to this one! the setting is in Florida (remember where Danny went with his uncle?) so yeah! that's all iIM gonna tell you about that..c; so yeah BYE LOVE YOU GUYS!•

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