
Pierce had been following Paula for the last half hour and it seemed they were walking in circles.
Giving up on her stealth approach she strode faster, letting Paula see her.
"You are not submissive. If you were," Paula continued walking as she spoke annoyed, "you would know as a submissive, I can detect a dominant wolf. It is my strength to staying alive."
Pierce ignored Paula's snide comment. That was why she stopped trying to follow undetected. She realized Paula knew she was following. "Where are you going?"
"I would like to be alone."
"In the woods..." Pierce waved out to their ambiance..."alone. Doesn't seem like something a submissive would do."
"I'm safe."
"How do you know?" Pierce asked now walking beside Paula. "We have Fae and who knows what else endangering the pack."
Paula muttered. "I just know."
Her vague response enraged Pierce. "You just know." Pierce moved in front, cutting off Paula's path. "How about you share with me how you just know."
Waiting for an answer, Pierce notice the quietness in the trees. It felt eerie as if they had been surrounded by darkness when it was still in the middle of the day. There were no birds in the trees or smaller animals trampling through the woods.
Suddenly the air got thicker, fog clouding through the trees gradually moving into their direction.
Pierce narrowed her eyes. Sniffing the air she found no trace of anyone near by. Staring at the fog, Pierce mind seemed to go blank as if enthralled by the fog.
"Pierce..." Paula called out swiftly. "You need to go."
Pierce did not understand anything Paula was saying. It was as if she'd be put into another universe where words did not exist. Pierce took a step toward the fog.
Feeling hands clamp around Pierce arm someone yanked her back.
"Pierce..." Paula screamed out in fear. She knew what this fog was. She knew who was creating this fog.
There was so much to this new strain of enemies Pierce knew nothing about.
The fog grew bigger as if it would swallow Pierce whole. Her eyes widen only several feet from it. Absent-mindedly Pierce reached out to touch the fog and as it inched further she stepped closer.
The sun seemed to dim, the fog so thick it was hard to tell if it was day or night.
"Please...stop," Paula called out. "She's my daughter."
Someone laughed and that was enough distraction to have Pierce drop her hand. She turned back to Paula with accusing eyes. "Who are you talking to?"
Waiting for an answer Pierce forgot about the fog and roared, cringing her back inward, chest arch out as the fog touched all along her entire backside. It felt like acid melting her skin. She heaved herself forward trying to escape the fog that somehow trapped her in a circle.
She was still whimpering from the agonizing burns at her back when more of the fog breezed over the left side of her body.
Pierce snarled painfully biting down on her lip, nearly biting it off, her skin feeling that near unbearable pain. Her eyes watered to thick tears, skin blistering into morbid bubbles that looked filled with blood as she dropped to her knees.
"Please...stop," Paula sobbed out.
"Who side are you on?" A voice asked.
"I never chose her side," Paula cried out. "I only wanted to protect my girls."
"Your girls..." the feminine voice mocked, chuckling briefly... "As in plural?"
Paula did not answer.
"That's what I thought." A figure formed approaching. Pierce could hear the woman's footsteps.
Even Pierce's eyes scorched from the fog, her wolf digging deep claws inside her. Pierce snarled about to shift but forced herself back into control. She needed to be in human skin to talk and figure out who her enemies were.
She could not see blinded by the fog. It was like every nerve cell in her eyes burned away. She was legally blind only seeing pitch black.
The voice came louder, talking to Paula. Pierce could feel the fog every several heartbeats and screamed every time it touched her skin. She could barely sit on her knees and hands.
"Maerla doesn't deserve the power she wants from your daughter. The light."
This woman had a charismatic tone as if she'd been some fashion designer with high prestige in another life. Maybe she had.
"I usually don't call upon my witch employees to create this amazing fog I got going on here..." Paula watched the woman admire the fog that never touched her of the woman..."but I needed to subdue your daughter without getting all nasty. Though, I would like to taste one drop of her."
Pierce could hear the woman's footsteps coming her way and when she calculated the woman to be within a foot from her she swung her claws out in a cross body swing. She missed, snarling when more of the fog touched her. She dropped completely to the floor, Screaming when she popped a few of the blisters layered over most of her body. The pain was excoriating.
"Do you know who I am?"
Paula nodded. "You are Blair. Maerla and you are in contract."
"Was...in contract," Blair corrected. "See...I told her...if she assisted me...I would assist her." Blair gazed up at Paula. "She was going to betray me once she got the power she wanted. So I took matters into my own hands and tried to have your daughter here killed. Fortunately, for her," she pointed to Pierce..."I sent incompetent employees to do the job when I should have come myself and got rid of her. But...I was preoccupied at the time." Blair continued. "I know if Pierce dies...that light and power dies with her and one is not reborn for another hundred years."
Pierce stayed quiet, listening. So it was this woman Maerla who wanted to take the light that carried a true Fae King or Queens power, but it was Blair who had been trying to kill her. She figured Maerla couldn't take the power from Pierce dead.
A sneer that came from east of Pierce followed by a call to her name to Pierce it was Kathleen.
"Relax," the woman hissed. "You came right on time."
Kathleen crouched down to Pierce and then gazed up protective over her.
"I wasn't planning on killing her this time," Blair said. "I was only timing how long it would take cavalry get here."
"Back off," Kathleen hissed.
Blair smiled wickedly. "If you run into your sister before me," Blair spoke directly to Kathleen..."tell her I will have no problem killing everyone who matters to her. I will have no problem...taking away the dreams she holds so dear. Tell her...I would take pleasure in watching that light she craves so much evaporate right in front of her eyes."
As Kathleen opened her mouth to speak, Blair was gone.
Immediately, Kathleen gave all her attention to Pierce, picking her up as she rushed her back home with Paula close behind.


Prima's Bite (Book Two) LesbianstoryWhere stories live. Discover now