Character Answers

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Question from @booboocmf : Will you ever try and get back together with Stiles?

Answer: Ummm....who knows what the future holds....I do miss him, that's for sure. 

Questions from @SQUAD01 : What's the weirdest thing Stiles has done in front of you? What's the most awkward moment between you, Stiles, and another person? 

Answer: Weirdest thing Stiles has done in front of me? What does Stiles do that isn't weird? hahahaha, but uh that's actually a hard one to answer to be honest. He's said some pretty interesting things in his sleep before...and as for as the most awkward moment between Stiles, another person, and myself? That would probably have to be either a moment with Papa Stilinski (there are multiple) for example, when he walked in on Stiles and I kissing when he didn't even know we were together and then talked about us being safe....or uh when Scott showed up at the door when things were starting to get heated between Stiles and I. So many weird and awkward moments. 

Question from @Tealtigerz : What's your biggest fear? 

Answer: Great question...I think the thing I fear the most is being alone, ya know? Losing all of the people I love...but on a less serious note I HATE clowns and Spiders. 

Questions from @vaporedluke : How are you so beautiful like seriously? STAUTUMN STAUTUMN STAUTUMN????(: 

Answer: Awh, thank you, gorgeous. I guess I got it from my mama? hahahaha. You're beautiful as well! Stautumn? I'm assuming that is a ship name, and if that's a ship it. 

Question from @RavenRusso : Are you going to forgive Stiles easily? 

Answer: I've forgiven him, but it definitely took some time. The only problem is, it's easier to forgive than to forget...but we've both made mistakes during the relationship. Both of us are guilty for different things, just have to move past them and leave them in the past. 

Question from @secretly_in_secret : What is your favorite moment you remember with Allison? 

Answer: Oh's hard to just pick one. But, I think my favorite moment was honestly any moment when we could just hang out and do normal teenage things. But I cherish every single moment I had with her. I always loved our deep talks and going out on the town with her. I have this one memory where she was teaching me how to use her bow and I made a tiny mistake and ended up shooting the tire on Argents car...oh man, we bolted out of there so fast hahahaha. I miss her so much. 

Question from @NeverReallyHappy : HOWS UR PUPPPPYYYY? 


Question from @Martinskislays : How do you feel about Parrish? 

Answer: He's a great guy, a good friend!  


Question from @booboocmf : When Autumns not drunk you tell her you want to get back together. Because I can't handle my parents not being together anymore. Oh, and are you going to tell Autumn about what you said?

Answer: MY CHILD. But really, trust me I want to...I've just been giving her space and time to think about things. When she was drunk, the things she was saying really caught me off guard. Of course I loved hearing it, I just wish it could have been under different circumstances. Maybe we'll talk about the things that were said, at least I hope so. I miss her. :( 

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