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Chapter Thirteen


"What do you mean you think Allison is still here?" Isaac asked over the phone as I climbed out of my car, "Autumn, that seems a little–" 

As I shut my door I gave my eyes a small roll, "Act like it's not possible, Isaac." I grabbed my bag out of the backseat, glancing around to make sure nobody was close enough to hear what we were talking about. "There's no other explanation for the things that have been happening. Literally, everything screams Allison. The necklace, my journal, the picture, and every other single tiny thing that has happened, it all screams her name." 

"But ghosts–" 

"If you're gonna say ghosts aren't real then I'd like to remind you that I'm a Banshee and you're a werewolf, just two of the many Supernatural beings here in the World. I may have not believed in ghosts before, but I sure do now." I began to walk towards the school, dreading walking through the doors to take the stupid PSAT. I didn't necessarily need to be here considering I took the test along with Lydia Freshman year, but I somehow ended up here. 

A small chuckle sounded from the other end of the phone, "Okay, well if you really think this is her then how are you gonna prove it or communicate with her?" 

"I know someone who knows a couple of guys that could help." I shrugged, finally making my way through the double doors.' 

"What are they? Ghost hunters?"

I nodded to myself, "Yeah, something like that...Anyways, I'm gonna talk to her and see if we can arrange something. For now I have the PSAT to take again." Letting out a groan I remained by the double doors, the line for the test forming outside of one of the classrooms. 

"Before you go..." Isaac began, "I wanna make sure you're alright." 

"Pfft, me? I'm perfect." I lied, which he obviously knew. "I mean, things are kinda hectic right now but...I'm doing alright." 

A heavy sigh filled my ear drums, "Cut the crap. This entire phone call you've been beating around the bush with the whole Stiles thing, and I know you're not okay about the dead pool. I'll straight up admit that I'm not okay with either of the situations, I should be there to help...I-I'm sorry." 

"You're right, but I can't dwell on my own emotions too much when all of this other stuff is happening." I sighed, "I need to somehow push all of that back and focus on what's important. And don't apologize, Isaac. This isn't your problem to deal with..." 

"It involves you so it is my problem." He stated, "Stiles is an idiot, and he doesn't know what he's lost. I should come beat some sense into him. And I should be there protecting you and the others, I can't do that from here."

A smiled lightly, "I appreciate the thought, but if you were here you'd be on this list too. So, I'd rather have you there and safe." Scott waving from the line outside of the classroom grabbed my attention, an awkward smile on his face as Stiles stood in front of him. "Look, I gotta go. I'll talk to you soon, okay?" 

"You better, Martin. Keep me updated." 

"Always." I said as I began to walk towards my group of friends, "Stay safe over there."

"I will, and you too. If you need anyone Jackson and I could be there in no time. Now go ace that test, talk to you later." 

I smiled a bit as the phone call ended, missing my friend more than I had realized. "Sup Otto, who was that?" Scott asked, gesturing towards my phone being slipped into my back pocket.

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