"I-I can't breath!" I yell.

Harry huffs.

"How did you know where I was?" He pouts.

"Well when we were younger the pancake thing remember? So I had a feeling" I laugh.

He groans. "Pancake thing?" Angel asks.

Harry and I tell the story.

All of them were on the ground laughing and rolling Anna even started to cry!

"Haylee can I shower?" Harry asked.

"I don't knew can you?" I love to annoy him.

"I'll hug you" he warns.

"Fine fine! Yes!" I gave in.

He smirks and walks off.

We all calm down. Harry decides to take a shower in another bathroom while we clean.

When we are finished we sit down on the couch talking about everything and anything. That's until Harry comes out.

With only a towel!

"Harold!" I scream. "My names Harry just Harry," he says annoyed. "Do you have clothes I can borrow?" He asks. I nod and walk to my room.

I get out some sweatpants he had here they were grey. Black boxers and a Rolling Stones shirt.

"Here you go" I hand them to him.

"Thank you!" I nod and walk out leaving him to change. Harry soon kik dis and we are bored out of our minds in a Wednesday night.

"Truth or dare!" Louis exclaims. We all shrug we got nothing better to do.

We sit in a circle.

Louis looks around trying to pick his first victim.

"Angel. Truth or dare?" He asks with a smirk.

"Dare" she says.

Hell no. What did she just get her self into?

" I dare you to call your mom and tell her you're pregnant" he says without hesitation. Oh my gosh.

I burst out laughing.

She takes Louis phone so the number will mark unknown.

"Sh" Angel says.

We nod.

"Hello?" here mom answers

"M-mom?" She pretends to cry. She took drama so she's amazing at this.

"Angelina? What Happened?!"

"M-mom I-m pregnant!" She yells.

"Oh my gosh!? What the fuck!? Are you sure?" She screams.

"Yes I went to the doctor" she "sobs" the boys and Anna try to hold in there laughter like I am.

"Who's the dad?" She sighs.

"I don't know! To many men to count!" She says and hangs up.

We all start laughing uncontrollably.

"She's going to kick me out!" Angel laughs.

"You can come here and stay" I look at her she nods.

The night consists of dares. Harry had to knock on random peoples doors at twelve telling them he lost his condom. Louis idea of course.

Zayn had to drink toilet water. That was my dare.

Liam had to go to a police station and made a huge scene saying he lost something and at the end he said he lost his virginity and we all ran off. That was Harry's dare.

Anna had to sit on zayn's lap the whole time. That one was simple. It was Liam's of course he's to nice.

I had to call a random person and told them I lost my pet tiger. And then I had to go into a Walmart and hop on random people's backs. That was Harry's and Louis dare.

Before we left Niall dressed in all black and grabbed an object (don't ask).

Harry had to also go into Walmart and hop into people's shopping cars. That was Stephany's dare.

And Steph had to hop on a cash register dancing like crazy. That's was Zayn's dare

Then Niall left outside we all tried to blend in with the other people. Niall comes in with his hood up. He takes out a small toy gun (that looks real to me) he points it at a group of people

"Put your hands up!," he scares I'm a deep voice. A lady screams. "And wave them on the air like you just don't care!" He laughs we all burst out laughing

That was all of our dare that resulted in us getting kicked out.

Let's just say we had a crazy night. But I wouldn't change anything a about it.

Bullied by Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now