Chapter- Thirty-seven

Start from the beginning

"Oh, that's not good. I think I'm gonna go, I have to finish setting my room up. I'll talk to you tomorrow?" I asked.

"Of course." He said.

"I love you, bye." We said in unison. I placed my phone on the bare desk. I felt guilty, this pit sat in the bottom of my stomach. But why? I have no idea why?

I shook the thought out of my head, grabbing another box to unpack.

After another hour and half I was finally finished making the room more of a me style.

"Hi, I'm Bridget." A female voice said as she entered the room.

I turned my head as she entered.

"Hi, I'm Daniella. You must be my roommate?" I asked the obvious.

"Yep. I really like your side of the room." She complimented.

"Thank you." I said.

"So what are you majoring in?" She asked as she placed her bags on the other bed.

"Fashion." I told her.

"Hmm, interesting." She said as she looked me over.

"I'm majoring in medicine. She told me.

"That's cool." I told her and she nodded as she unpacked her things.

"We may have some basic courses together though." She told me and as she pulled out her weekly schedule and handed it to me. I skimmed it over and took out mine.

"Seems like we have only english 101 together." I told her, and she smiled. I don't think that's very nice to do that.

"Well at least we have something. I have some friends coming over to hang out. Do you think you could possibly, check the school out while they are here?" She asked politely. Is she kidding?

"I guess." I answered.

"Yes or no?" She asked. My eyes widened and my mouth was slightly parted.

"Did you hear me?" She asked.

"Yeah, Sure, I'll leave." I said. Bitch

"They'll be here in like five minutes." She said with a snotty attitude. I nodded and decided to grab a tote bag. I packed myself a water, charger, sunglasses, a book, and notebook. When she went into the bathroom, I hid anything valuable that was out. I didn't need to have people stealing from me on my first day here. I scurried out of the room and headed outside to the garden.

I admired the flowers as I took in their slight scent. I sat down near the roses and took out my book.

I was getting really into my book.

'Jordan, you can do it. Just tell her!' My insides shook with shivers. I love this book.

'Jordan, now stop being a dick.' I said out-loud as I turned the page.

"Who's Jordan and why is he being a dick?" I heard a familiar voice ask. My lips curled in trying to hold back a laugh. It was Gabe.

"I'm just getting into my book. Jordan is a character." I told him as he sat down whilst chuckling.

"So why is someone like you out here isolated?" He asked as I turned another page.

"I was kicked out my room so my roommate could hang out with her friends." I told him.

"Sounds like my sister." He laughed. His comment made my eyes widened. No wonder they look a like.

"Bridget is your sister?" I asked.

"Yeah she's a real pain. If she's ever a bother or just being a plain ol' bitch, just tell me. I'll handle her." He told me with a grin.

"Thanks. So are you a freshman as well here?" I asked not knowing.

"This is my third year here. The soccer team has a game coming up, would you like to come see it?" He asked.

"Sure. Just let me know when it is." I told him.

"Here, i'll give you my number so I can let you know." He said as he picked my phone up from the bench.

"Who's this?" He asked right as he clicked it on.

"My boyfriend." I told him, I watched as his face fell a little but then went back into a smile.

"Here you go." He said handing my phone back to me after he put his number in.

"I texted myself to have your number." He told me and I nodded.

"Well, I have practice now. I'll see you soon." He told me. I waved goodbye to him. I returned my attention back to my book, desperately wanting to know if Jordan will finally get the balls to ask his girl out on a date.

I looked up from my book, realizing the sun was now laying down for bed in the distance. I hope I can go back to my room now.

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