Behind the Scenes: A Bargain

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Behind the Scenes: The Making of Markiplier: REBOOT!

Hey guys! Just to let you know, there actually is a video of me explaining everything going on to your RIGHT -------> So if you don't really want to read the little paragraph I wrote down there, my voice will explain everything in detail and such :3

As it currently stands, Markiplier: REBOOT has 4,977 reads with a total of 138 votes. That being said, I have a proposition for you: If you guys can get me to 5,000+ reads and 150+ votes as a total for the entire story by the end of this week, I will give you guys two episodes of Markiplier: REBOOT. Or maybe even one HUGE chapter, I haven't decided yet.

That being said, you guys REALLY want this story to be updated. There will be some juicy stuffs happening that you really DON'T want to be waiting for all that long. Right?

Anyhoozle, I am not doing this for some kind of popularity thing-- I'm honestly asTONISHED by the number of followers I have now. It's just... wow! Just like Mark, I didn't know I could bring so much happiness to people by telling my non-plot oriented and loop-holed stories. It's just... wow. Thanks so much, I wouldn't be anything without your support. I just want to see how far everything goes! 

Let's see how you guys do! I will try to fulfill my end of the bargain and get both chapters (or one giant episode) done by the end of this week. I say try because it's Thanksgiving Weekend in Canada!... and my grandmother is flying in this Sunday to spend time with us! 

I believe in you guys, as much as you believe in me. So let's get this story on the rise!

Happy Reading and Writing!

~Sandor Clegane

Markiplier: REBOOTWhere stories live. Discover now