Markiplier: System Reboot

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Hello Friends and Fans!

I wanted to take the time to do a few things.

First of all... I want to sincerely apologize for the lack of posting this last year and a half. I honestly haven't found the will to write and I've had a lot going on. Without going in to too much detail, there have just been a lot of personal things happening that really affected me and threw me off my groove.

Secondly, and more importantly, there will be a new story coming to you soon.

My co-author and I are working on the first few chapters of Markiplier: System Reboot. It is a complete rewrite and revamping of the story. I know you have been waiting for this story to be updated. However, as many of you may or may not know, I was catfished by someone who pretended to be Markiplier and they helped me write this story.

That is the main reason why I am rewriting the story... other than I totally lost track of what I was writing and Markiplier: Reboot just spun horribly out of control.

Sarah is going to be renamed to Eileen Mackenzie "Mackie" O'Callaghan. Rick Trujillo is still a character with a bigger roll in the story and Katie and I, my co-author, are adding an OC called Hunter Blaine Logan. He is a very special character in many ways to the both of us and will help to liven up the story and bring it much more character. We hope that you like him!

Lastly, we are having a competition for the new cover! Bring your best drawing and/or photoshop skills to the table :) The winner gets their work featured as THE cover of Markiplier:System Reboot. And should they desire, they can also get a short story customized just for them or they can get an exclusive sneak peek to the new story.

Send your submissions to:

The winner will be announced on Saturday March 11th at 8PM EST. Deadline to submit is March 10th at 11:59 PM EST.

Thank you so much for all your dedication and support. I love you all!

Elise and Katie.

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